01. [30p] Minor Design Changes

Our customer wants to make some changes to the website's design:

  • Add a header image with our logo at the top
    • Several candidates are present inside public/images/;
    • You could either use the CSS background property, or just the old-school <img> tag;
    • Hint: check out style.css for existing definitions!
  • Also change the background color of the <header> to match the chosen image on its margins (maybe something blue?);
  • Make the content box have rounded borders (try 15px);
    • border-radius *wink*
    • Use the browser's Web Developer tools to find the HTML tag to select!
  • Insert some dummy content text (e.g., use a Lorem Ipsum generator);

Hint: search for TODOs inside HTML and CSS!

For specifying URLs to other web resources (e.g., images for this task): recall Unix relative paths (./path/to/file.jpg)? HTML also uses them (those URLs will be relative to your current file – either the .html or the .css)!

In some cases (webpage has sub-paths, e.g., /account/details.html), you may also use absolute URLs (path begins with a / representing the server's root directory).

ii/labs/s2/02/tasks/01.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/17 18:24 by florin.stancu
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