00. [10p] Getting Started

First, download the skeleton archive (.zip) and unzip it.

It has the following structure:

├── initial_design.html  # initial HTML template
├── public/
│   ├── bootstrap/ # bootstrap sources
│   ├── images/
│   └── style.css  # main stylesheet
├── server.py      # server-side application
└── templates/     # Jinja templates

To test, open initial_design.html in a browser. It should look similar (almost: minor text differences) to the following screenshot:

Our website uses the Bootstrap frontend library – a CSS framework for building responsive web designs! Check out its documentation for a list of features.

Also, there are other open-source CSS toolkits, google them before starting a website and choose something you like before starting a design project.

Also, it would be a good idea to test your Python / Flask setup now:

python3 server.py
# it should say that the server is running on

Note: the initial Python Flask app doesn't display this webpage just yet, it will only give you a TODO message! You will make it yourself later this lab :P

ii/labs/s2/02/tasks/00.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/17 18:39 by florin.stancu
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