04. [10p] Serving dynamic content

Finally, we shall see how dynamic content can be interpolated

  • Edit the website's second HTML page, enter {{mycontent}} (this literal text!) as content somewhere inside the main content block:
    <div class="content-box main-content">
  • Now modify the server.py code (the second_page function) to take in the desired value as a request parameter and pass it to the mycontent template variable, e.g.:
    def second_page():
      render_template("second.html", mycontent=request.args.get("mycontent", "<not specified>"))
  • Open the endpoint URL and pass the mycontent value as a GET URL parameter (e.g., ?parameter=value) and see if the content changes dynamically after the request!
  • This is a template engine called Jinja, seamlessly integrated with Flask. More about this: next time!
ii/labs/s2/02/tasks/04.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/03/17 18:43 by florin.stancu
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