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ep [2023/12/03 17:15]
emilian.radoi [Announcements 2023-2024]
ep [2024/09/21 19:25] (current)
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 */ */
-**Dataset collection starts on the 5th of December.**+/* 
 +**Dataset collection starts on the 5th of December**
 Next lecture (22.11.2023) - Lecture Test 2 Next lecture (22.11.2023) - Lecture Test 2
-The distribution of portfolio presentations can be found [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t1GZMZhq7Lw2xsnJqIIQ9qyFz66ut3RrV_jORewQgLs/​edit#​gid=1987015375|here]].+The distribution of portfolio presentations can be found [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t1GZMZhq7Lw2xsnJqIIQ9qyFz66ut3RrV_jORewQgLs/​edit#​gid=1987015375|here]]
 Labs will start on the 9th of October Labs will start on the 9th of October
 Lectures will start on the 11th of October Lectures will start on the 11th of October
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
ep.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/21 19:25 by emilian.radoi
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