Lab 06 - Advanced plotting (seaborn & pandas)


  • Introduction to pandas
  • Easy data manipulations with pandas
  • Introduction to seaborn
  • More types of cool looking plots with seaborn
  • Apply what you learned on exploring COVID data for Romania


In this lab, we will study the basic API of pandas for easier data manipulations, and seaborn for some more advanced and visually appealing plots that are also easy to produce.

For the exercises, you will explore the evolution of the COVID pandemic in Romania, using the information learned in this lab.

For scientific computing we need an environment that is easy to use, and provides a couple of tools like manipulating data and visualizing results. We will use Google Colab, which comes with a variety of useful tools already installed.

Check out these cheetsheets for fast reference to the common libraries:

Cheat sheets:

This lab is organized in a Jupyer Notebook hosted on Google Colab. You will find there some intuitions and applications for pandas and seaborn. Check out the Tasks section below.


Google Colab Notebook

For this lab, we will use Google Colab for exploring pandas and seaborn. Please solve your tasks here by clicking โ€œOpen in Colaboratoryโ€.

You can then export this python notebook as a PDF (File โ†’ Print) and upload it to Moodle.

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ep/labs/061.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/10/07 21:54 by emilian.radoi
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