Lab 11 - Portfolio presentations


This lab is dedicated only to portfolio presentations. The distribution of students can be found in the catalog, according to the following domains: Security, Systems, and Vision.

Slides must be uploaded to Moodle, together with the related documents, in the form of a ZIP archive, by 09.01.2023, at 08:00 AM. Delays are not accepted!

The presentation of the chosen article must not last more than 4 minutes per student (the time limit is strict). It aims to explain to the audience the context and theme of the article, the solution proposed, and other similar ideas, including the results the authors managed to obtain. The presentation must summarize all these points so that everyone understands the main ideas.

More information about the portfolio can be found on this page.


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ep/labs/11.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/10/09 12:35 by cezar.craciunoiu
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