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ep [2024/09/21 19:25] (current)
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 This course equips students with the concepts and techniques for conducting relevant performance analysis and comparisons. It presents tools for monitoring the performance of the subsystems of the Linux and Windows operating systems, along with methods for clear data presentation. This course equips students with the concepts and techniques for conducting relevant performance analysis and comparisons. It presents tools for monitoring the performance of the subsystems of the Linux and Windows operating systems, along with methods for clear data presentation.
-===== Announcements ​2019-2020 =====+===== Announcements ​2023-2024 =====
-**Examen Restanta 23 Mai 2020*+/
-  * **Pe Teams - [[https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3a011b4b2f883641c39a9aee3bb8564061%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?groupId=beca3fda-96aa-4d77-bef3-5b485cb3e18f&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac ​aici]]** +**[[https://​curs.upb.ro/mod/assign/view.php?id=71619 Moodle]]**
-  * **Oral** +
-  * **Aceeasi materie ca si pentru examenul din sesiunea din iarna**+
 +**[[https://​teams.microsoft.com/​l/​team/​19%3a6d848532a2e343c7a596932cd525d859%40thread.tacv2/​conversations?​groupId=d9abb92f-3886-4ac1-8c86-afc0ae2977bf&​tenantId=2d8cc8ba-8dda-4334-9e5c-fac2092e9bac | EP TEAM]]** on Microsoft Teams
-**Join our team ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ** 
-  * **email @ [[emilian.radoi@cs.pub.ro | Emilian]] until 14th of February** 
 +<note important>​
 +Portfolio presentations will start on 9th of January. The distribution of students can be found in the **[[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​11qkLdB5oETXWp7MBqduBlOFGlqUwKsQ_ZrrhJKJelDQ/​edit#​gid=1413165425 | catalog]]**,​ according to the following domains: Security, Systems, and Vision. Slides must be uploaded to **[[https://​curs.upb.ro/​2022/​mod/​assign/​view.php?​id=50735 | Moodle]]**, together with the related documents, in the form of a ZIP archive, by 09.01.2023, at 08:00 AM. More information about the portfolio can be found on this **[[https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​ep/​teme/​portfolio | page]]**.
 +EP BitQuiz ​ -  14th of December
 +  * __Registration__ - fill in this [[https://​forms.gle/​WFgQqcw5kahWitPa9 | registration form]] by Tuesday 13th of December at 23:55 (registration is mandatory for participation)
 +  * __Location__ - PRECIS PR001
 +  * __Time__ - 18:00 Do not be late!! (ideally get there 5 min early)
 +  * Teams have been published [[https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​ep/​lectures/​09|here]].
 +The third lecture test will be POSTPONED for one week, and will take place on the 23rd of November.
 +The second lecture test will be on the 2nd of November.
 +**Dataset collection starts on the 5th of December**
 +Next lecture (22.11.2023) - Lecture Test 2
 +The distribution of portfolio presentations can be found [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1t1GZMZhq7Lw2xsnJqIIQ9qyFz66ut3RrV_jORewQgLs/​edit#​gid=1987015375|here]]
 +Labs will start on the 9th of October
 +Lectures will start on the 11th of October
 ===== Team ===== ===== Team =====
-      * [[emilian.radoi@cs.pub.ro | Emilian Rădoi]] +      * [[emilian.radoi@upb.ro | Emilian Rădoi]] 
-      * [[mihai.chiroiu@cs.pub.ro | Mihai Chiroiu]]+      * [[radu.mantu@upb.ro | Radu Mantu]]
       * [[cosma.i.adrian@gmail.com | Adrian Cosma]]       * [[cosma.i.adrian@gmail.com | Adrian Cosma]]
-      * [[andreealistar@gmail.com | Andreea Alistar]] +      * [[alex.mircea98@gmail.com | Alexandru Mircea]] 
-      * [[acrividenco@gmail.com | Andrei ​Crividenco]] +      * [[constantinandrei.mirciu@gmail.com | Andrei ​Mirciu]] 
-      * [[ciprianf95@gmail.com | Ciprian Focșăneanu]] +      * [[cezar.craciunoiu@gmail.com | Cezar Crăciunoiu]] 
-      * [[andru.mantu@gmail.com | Radu Mantu]] +      * [[ioana.maco.andreea@gmail.com | Ioana Macovei]] 
-      * [[vlad.a.stefanescu@gmail.com | Vlad Ștefănescu]] +      * [[andy_eduard.catruna@upb.ro | Andy Cătrună]] 
-      * [[adrianacogean@gmail.com | Adriana Cogean]]+      * [[silviadanieladd@gmail.com | Silvia Drăgan]] 
 +      * [[mblacioti@gmail.com | Mihai Blacioti]]
 ===== Timetable ===== ===== Timetable =====
Line 34: Line 57:
 ^  Teaching schedule ​ ^^^^^^ ^  Teaching schedule ​ ^^^^^^
 ^  ^  Monday ​ ^  Tuesday ​ ^  Wednesday ​ ^  Thursday ​ ^  Friday ​ ^ ^  ^  Monday ​ ^  Tuesday ​ ^  Wednesday ​ ^  Thursday ​ ^  Friday ​ ^
-^   8 - 10 |  Opt-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Andrei ​ ​| ​ Opt-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Adriana ​ |  342C5-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Andreea ​ ​| ​ -  |  -  | +^   8 - 10 |  Opt3 \\ (EG405a) \\ Andrei ​ |  341C5b \\ (EG405a) \\ Andy  |  342C5b \\ (EG405a) \\ Ioana  |  -  |  Opt4 \\ (EG405a) \\ Cezar  | 
-^  10 - 12 |  -  |  341C5-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Radu  |  342C5-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Mihai  ​| ​ -  |  -  | +^  10 - 12 |  -  |  341C5a \\ (EG405a) \\ Andy  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
-^  12 - 14 |  -  |  341C5-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Radu  |  -  |  343C5-sg2 \\ (EG208) \\ Emilian ​ ​| ​ -  |+^  12 - 14 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  14 - 16 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  16 - 18 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  18 - 20 |  -  |  343C5b \\ (EG405a) \\ Radu  |  Lecture \\ (EC004) \\ Emilian ​ |  344C5b \\ (EG405a) \\ Silvia ​ |  -  | 
 +^  20 - 22 |  -  |  343C5a \\ (EG405a) \\ Mihai  |  -  |  344C5a \\ (EG405a) \\ Silvia ​ |  -  | 
 +/* **343C5 can choose any of the other time slots.** */ 
 +^  Teaching schedule ​ ^^^^^^ 
 +^  ^  Monday ​ ^  Tuesday ​ ^  Wednesday ​ ^  Thursday ​ ^  Friday ​ ^ 
 +^   8 - 10 |  Opt-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Adrian ​ ​| ​ Opt-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Adriana ​ |  342C5-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Alex  ​| ​ -  |  -  | 
 +^  10 - 12 |  -  |  341C5-sg1 \\ (EG106) \\ Radu  |  342C5-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Cosmin ​ ​| ​ -  |  -  | 
 +^  12 - 14 |  -  |  341C5-sg2 \\ (EG106) \\ Radu  |  -  |  343C5-sg2 \\ (EG208) \\ Vlad  ​| ​ -  |
 ^  14 - 16 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  343C5-sg1 \\ (EG208) \\ Emilian ​ |  -  | ^  14 - 16 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  343C5-sg1 \\ (EG208) \\ Emilian ​ |  -  |
 ^  16 - 18 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | ^  16 - 18 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |
-^  18 - 20 |  -  |  -  |  ​Lecture ​\\ (EC105) \\ Emilian ​ |  -  |  -  |+^  18 - 21 |  -  |  -  |  ​Lecture1 ​\\ (EC104\\ Emilian ​ |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  Teaching schedule ​ ^^^^^^ 
 +^  ^  Monday ​ ^  Tuesday ​ ^  Wednesday ​ ^  Thursday ​ ^  Friday ​ ^ 
 +^   8 - 10 |  -  |  **341C5-sg2** \\ Adrian \\ **344C5-sg1** \\ Cosmin \\ **Opt-sg1** \\ Adrian / Cosmin ​ |  **342C5-sg1** \\ Alex \\ **343C5-sg1** \\ Andrei \\ **Opt-sg2** \\ Alex / Andrei ​ |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  10 - 12 |  -  |  **341C5-sg1** \\ Radu \\ **344C5-sg2** \\ Cezar  |  **342C5-sg2** \\ Vlad \\ **343C5-sg2** \\ Alexandru ​ |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  12 - 14 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  14 - 16 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  16 - 18 |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  |  -  | 
 +^  18 - 21 |  -  |  -  |  **Lecture** ​\\ Emilian ​ |  -  |  -  |
ep.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/21 19:25 by emilian.radoi
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