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LLVM Passes

LLVM Passes este un subsistem al framework-ului LLVM ce permite crearea de module simple pentru transformarea, prelucrarea și analiza codului intermediar LLVM IR.

Există numeroase pass-uri deja implementate în versiunea oficială LLVM. Acestea primesc ca input cod LLVM IR și oferă ca output fie LLVM IR (în cazul în care este un pass de transformare), fie un text cu diverse statistici (în cazul în care este un pass de analiză).

Rularea unui Pass

LLVM Passes pot fi rulate cu ajutorul tool-ului opt.

Pass-uri existente

student@cpl-vm ~ $ opt --help
OVERVIEW: llvm .bc -> .bc modular optimizer and analysis printer
USAGE: opt [options] <input bitcode file>
  -O1                                             - Optimization level 1. Similar to clang -O1
  -O2                                             - Optimization level 2. Similar to clang -O2
  -O3                                             - Optimization level 3. Similar to clang -O3
  -Os                                             - Like -O2 with extra optimizations for size. Similar to clang -Os
  -Oz                                             - Like -Os but reduces code size further. Similar to clang -Oz
  -S                                              - Write output as LLVM assembly
  -analyze                                        - Only perform analysis, no optimization
  -asm-instrumentation                            - Instrumentation of inline assembly and assembly source files
    =none                                         -   no instrumentation at all
    =address                                      -   instrument instructions with memory arguments
  -asm-show-inst                                  - Emit internal instruction representation to assembly file
  Optimizations available:
    -bb-vectorize                                 - Basic-Block Vectorization
    -constprop                                    - Simple constant propagation
    -da                                           - Dependence Analysis
    -dce                                          - Dead Code Elimination
    -domtree                                      - Dominator Tree Construction
    -dot-callgraph                                - Print call graph to 'dot' file
    -dot-cfg                                      - Print CFG of function to 'dot' file
    -dot-cfg-only                                 - Print CFG of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies)
    -dot-dom                                      - Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file
    -dot-dom-only                                 - Print dominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies)
    -dot-postdom                                  - Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file
    -dot-postdom-only                             - Print postdominance tree of function to 'dot' file (with no function bodies)
    -instcount                                    - Counts the various types of Instructions
    -loop-deletion                                - Delete dead loops
    -loop-reroll                                  - Reroll loops
    -loop-rotate                                  - Rotate Loops
    -loop-unroll                                  - Unroll loops
    -loop-vectorize                               - Loop Vectorization
    -loops                                        - Natural Loop Information
    -mem2reg                                      - Promote Memory to Register
    -memdep                                       - Memory Dependence Analysis
    -print-callgraph                              - Print a call graph
    -reg2mem                                      - Demote all values to stack slots
    -sample-profile                               - Sample Profile loader
    -simplifycfg                                  - Simplify the CFG
    -verify                                       - Module Verifier
    -view-callgraph                               - View call graph
    -view-cfg                                     - View CFG of function
    -view-cfg-only                                - View CFG of function (with no function bodies)
    -view-dom                                     - View dominance tree of function
    -view-dom-only                                - View dominance tree of function (with no function bodies)
    -view-postdom                                 - View postdominance tree of function
    -view-postdom-only                            - View postdominance tree of function (with no function bodies)
  -p                                              - Print module after each transformation
  -stats                                          - Enable statistics output from program (available with Asserts)
  -time-passes                                    - Time each pass, printing elapsed time for each on exit

Hello World

Vom rula pass-ul default hello pe un cod simplu.

Codul sursă al pass-ului Hello din LLVM se găsește în directorul $LLVM_SRC/lib/Transforms/Hello.

După cum ați observat anterior, acesta nu este găsit by default de către tool-ul opt. Va trebui să îi specificăm calea către biblioteca dinamică compilată.

student@cpl-vm ~/llvm-3.6.2 $ opt -load llvm-3.6.2/install/lib/ --help
OVERVIEW: llvm .bc -> .bc modular optimizer and analysis printer
USAGE: opt [options] <input bitcode file>
    -hello                                        - Hello World Pass
    -hello2                                       - Hello World Pass (with getAnalysisUsage implemented)

Crearea unui Pass

cpl/labs/llvm-pass.1448270344.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/11/23 11:19 by laura.vasilescu
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