MARIE - Extend the ISA
Soft Deadline: 17.01.2025, 23:59
Hard Deadline: 17.01.2025, 23:59
Publish date: 29.12.2024
Last update: 29.12.2024, 16:04
The main purpose of this assignment is to build up a stronger perspective around the MARIE architecture and enhance your Verilog knowledge. You will:
Description and requirements
For this assignment you shall continue the implementation of our MARIE CPU ISA with the following instructions:
Input - Request user to input a value (saves the value from the input to the InReg)
Store X - Stores Contents of AC into Address X (RAM[X] ← AC)
StoreI X - Stores value in AC at the indirect address (RAM[RAM[X]] ← AC)
LoadI X - Loads value from indirect address into AC ( AC ← RAM[RAM[X]] )
SkipCond C - Skips the next instruction based on C
You can find the implementation both in Chapter 4 of the book and in the Databook of the simulator!
The file to be modified is control_unit.v. Several states shall be added for each instruction in order to implement the desired instructions. You can follow the micro-operations suggested in the recourse files. Each micro-operation shall have one individual state.
In the simulator you can take the basic example and add your desired instruction. If you assemble and run through micro-step, you can see each instruction executed step-by-step. Your implementation can follow it!
The implementation shall be similar to the approach we had during the labs, by developing the state machine in the control_unit.v file;
The number of the states is not limited; you can implement each instruction separately or make use of the common states that are already implemented.
Implement each instruction and test it individually; debug is easier this way.
Additional details
This assignment is an individual assignment; using any code from external sources can be considered as plagiarism and can lead to voiding the accumulated points!
+10.0 pts.: Correct implementation with the test passing (2.0 pts for each instruction)
-10.0 pts.: using looping instructions with variable steps (i.e. while x > 0);
-1.0 pts.: the absence of the README file;
-1.0 pts.: bad coding style (chaotic indentation, irregular spacing, strange naming for variables, etc.);
-0.5 pts.: incorrect using of continuous assignments ( assign ), procedural blocking ( = ) and non-blocking ( ⇐ ) assignments;
-0.2 pts.: other generic implementation issues (/issue);
-0.1 pts.: useless code comments.
Even if you do not finish the assignment, you can receive up to 25% of the grade if you properly explain your idea in the README file. Your code must pass the compilation and run.