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ac-is:lab:lab02 [2023/10/18 11:11]
catalin.rucareanu [Testare] adaugare link catre simulare
ac-is:lab:lab02 [2023/10/21 14:51] (current)
teodor.dicu [Resurse]
Line 291: Line 291:
   * {{.:​lab02:​lab2_skel.zip|Schelet de cod}}    * {{.:​lab02:​lab2_skel.zip|Schelet de cod}} 
   * <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="​https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​ac-is/​lab/​lab02?​do=export_pdf">​PDF laborator</​a></​html> ​   * <​html><​a class="​media mediafile mf_pdf"​ href="​https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​ac-is/​lab/​lab02?​do=export_pdf">​PDF laborator</​a></​html> ​
 +  * {{.:​lab02:​sol:​lab2_sol.zip|Soluție laborator}}
 <ifauth @ac-is> <ifauth @ac-is>
ac-is/lab/lab02.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/21 14:51 by teodor.dicu
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