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se:project:projects [2023/12/11 22:17]
se:project:projects [2024/10/09 22:58] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== SE Projects ====== ====== SE Projects ======
 +Proiecte 2024-2025
 +<columns 100% 33% - ->
 +**1. [[https://​startup-tailormystyle.github.io/​tailormystyle.github.io/​ | TailorMyStyle]]**
 +  * Tănase Radu
 +  * Bîncă Andreea-Cristina
 +  * Gheorghe Delia-Teodora
 +  * Lazăr Elena
 +  * Neagu Fabian-Florin
 +  * Alexandru-Lucian Gherghe
 +**2. [[https://​fiki.bursa-de-servicii.ro/​ | Bursa de Servicii]]**
 +  * Mihai PANA
 +  * Andrei MOICEANU
 +  * Cosmin-Mitica GRIGORE
 +  * Dan-Andrei BORUGA
 +  * Gabriela-Diana POPESCU
 +  * Laurentiu-Adrian VARZAN
 +<​del>​**3. [[https://​feeltest.github.io/​ | Feel Test]]**</​del>​
 +  * Dragos Gheorghe
 +  * Cezar
 +**4. [[https://​vlada16.github.io/​PlayFieldPro/​ | PlayFieldPro]]**
 +  * Lucian-Mihai Stan
 +  * Cristina-Ramona Serban
 +  * Dario Velo
 +  * Gabriel Oprea-Groza ​ /​*Rares-Aurelian Stanca schimbat pe 28 dec 23 */ 
 +  * Tudor-Adrian Scarlet
 +  * Vlada Ciubuc
 +**5. [[https://​socialcrawler.my.canva.site/​light-beige-sleek-and-simple-blogger-personal-website | Social Crawler]]**
 +  * Letiția Olaru
 +  * Luiza Ciudin
 +  * Parascovia Digori
 +  * Gabriel Anica
 +  * Radu Minea
 +**6. [[https://​dutualincalin.github.io/​EcoCorp-Marketplace/​ | EcoCorp Marketplace]]**
 +  * Tudorache Alina
 +  * Dutu Calin
 +  * Iordache Matei
 +  * Bianca Matei
 +  * Ana-Maria Buiciuc
 +<​del>​**7. [[https://​andreitanase111.github.io/​andreitanase.github.io/​ | Timing]]**</​del>​
 +  * Abel Gheorghe
 +  * Andrei Tanase
 +**8. [[http://​​8081/​home ​  | GPSOrganisationTracker]]**
 +  * Rădulescu Vlad
 +  * Roșca Cvintilian
 +  * Dragomir Andrei-Valentin
 +  * Dalimon Iarina
 +  * Stoian Dragoș-Andrei
 +  * Robert Coman
 +**9. [[https://​punctconnect.github.io/​fiky-ds/ ​ | PunctConnect]]**
 +  * Alexandra Mitulescu
 +  * Ionel Patrascu
 +  * Olivia Oprea
 +  * Bogdan Piele
 +  * Preda Mihai Alexandru
 +**10. [[https://​camil-bot.github.io/​2bitslabs/​ |SecureComply]]**
 +  * Mihaita Catalin Pavel
 +  * Cosmin Gamanusi
 +  * Camil Popa-Nica
 +  * Radu-Andrei Dumitrescu
 +<​del>​**11. [[https://​malltoyou.vercel.app/​page/​fiki |MallToYou]]**</​del>​
 +  * Porumb Andrei-Cornel
 +  * Dinu Dumitru-Razvan
 +  * Stochirici Alexandru
 +  * <del> Preda Mihai Alexandru </​del>​ (21.11)
 +  * Alexandru Manda
 +**12. [[https://​andrei-micuda.github.io/​Carpool-Buddy/​fiki/​index.html |Carpool Buddy]]**
 +  * Micuda Andrei
 +  * Borta Adina
 +  * Voicu Bianca
 +  * Harles Mihai
 +  * Cocoșilă Alexandru
 +  * Ciopa Cristian
 +**13. [[https://​digitalization-nation.my.canva.site/​fiki |Digitalization Nation]]**
 +  * Andreea Pena
 +  * Lucian Niculaie
 +  * Dragos Andrei
 +  * Ana Stefan
 +  * Bogdan Manda
 +  * Pop Adrian Vasile (11.01)
 +<​del>​**14. [[https://​sorintanase100.github.io/​BalaurByte/​main_index.html |BalaurByte]]**</​del>​
 +  * Alexandru Dragomir
 +  * Sorin Tănase
 +**15. [[https://​jade-source-ea1.notion.site/​Fragrance-Finder-7996d60fb0414a579888004576ef47bb |Fragrance Finder]]**
 +  * Cazan Bogdan Marian
 +  * Neagu Andrei Constantin
 +  * Smău Mara Alexandra
 +  * Șneapotă Alexandru
 +  * Tae Andreea Cristina
 +  * Turcitu Alexandru Alin
 +**16. [[http://​sirius-fiki.s3-website.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com/​ |Sirius Agriculture]]**
 +  * Alex Ifrimenco
 +  * Daniel Airinei
 +  * Gabriel Majeri
 +  * Alex Cațavei
 +<​del>​**17. [[https://​beaconx-fiki-d13315.webflow.io |BeaconX]]**</​del>​
 +  * Gabriel Iosif
 +  * Alexandru Jilavu
 +**18. [[https://​homiezz.github.io/​homie-fiki/​ |Homie]]**
 +  * Ioana Mocanu
 +  * Andreea Tătulescu
 +  * Amalia Gruia
 +  * Andrei Petrea
 +  * Maria Brînză
 +  * Razvan Abagiu
 +<​del>​**19. [[https://​wanderwiseteam.github.io/​Fiki/​|wanderwise]]**</​del>​
 +  * Stefania Dina
 +**20. [[https://​biancanegoescu.github.io/​HorecaX/​ | HorecaX]]**
 +  * Bianca Negoescu
 +  * Cristian Descultu
 +  * Maria Vidrasc
 +  * <​del>​Lorena Vacarean</​del>​ (11.12)
 +  * <​del>​Anemona-Maria Moraru</​del>​ (11.12)
 +  * <​del>​Marian Elvis Popa</​del>​ (11.12)
 +**21. [[https://​olek565.github.io/​index.html | WiSenser]]**
 +  * Roman Adrian
 +  * Fodor Bianca
 +  * Marinescu Sebastian
 +  * Varzaru Mihnea
 +**22. [[http://​www.fiki.cartedevizitadigitala.ro/​ | CarteDeVizitaDigitala]]**
 +  * Adrian Olariu
 +  * Sorin Tănase
 +**22. [[https://​fiki-feastique.web.app/​ | Feastique]]**
 +  * Florian Marcu
 +You can use this **[[https://​forms.gle/​wp7s6gxqiStGP2Yn7 | form]]** to change the link to your Fiki.
 +Notify //​[[emilian.radoi@upb.ro | Emilian Rădoi]]// by email after completing the form.
 Proiecte 2023-2024 Proiecte 2023-2024
Line 23: Line 215:
-**3. [[https://​feeltest.github.io/​ | Feel Test]]**+<del>**3. [[https://​feeltest.github.io/​ | Feel Test]]**</​del>​
   * Dragos Gheorghe   * Dragos Gheorghe
   * Cezar   * Cezar
Line 32: Line 224:
   * Cristina-Ramona Serban   * Cristina-Ramona Serban
   * Dario Velo   * Dario Velo
-  * Rares-Aurelian Stanca+  ​* Gabriel Oprea-Groza ​ /*Rares-Aurelian Stanca ​schimbat pe 28 dec 23 */ 
   * Tudor-Adrian Scarlet   * Tudor-Adrian Scarlet
   * Vlada Ciubuc   * Vlada Ciubuc
Line 52: Line 244:
   * Ana-Maria Buiciuc   * Ana-Maria Buiciuc
-**7. [[https://​andreitanase111.github.io/​andreitanase.github.io/​ | Timing]]**+<del>**7. [[https://​andreitanase111.github.io/​andreitanase.github.io/​ | Timing]]**</​del>​
   * Abel Gheorghe   * Abel Gheorghe
   * Andrei Tanase   * Andrei Tanase
Line 61: Line 253:
-**8. [[http://​​home ​ | GPSOrganisationTracker]]**+**8. [[http://​   ​| GPSOrganisationTracker]]**
   * Rădulescu Vlad   * Rădulescu Vlad
   * Roșca Cvintilian   * Roșca Cvintilian
Line 76: Line 268:
   * Preda Mihai Alexandru   * Preda Mihai Alexandru
-**10. [[https://​camil-bot.github.io/​2bitslabs/​ |DSA DMA compliance]]**+**10. [[https://​camil-bot.github.io/​2bitslabs/​ |SecureComply]]**
   * Mihaita Catalin Pavel   * Mihaita Catalin Pavel
   * Cosmin Gamanusi   * Cosmin Gamanusi
Line 82: Line 274:
   * Radu-Andrei Dumitrescu   * Radu-Andrei Dumitrescu
-**11. [[https://​malltoyou.vercel.app/​page/​fiki |MallToYou]]**+<del>**11. [[https://​malltoyou.vercel.app/​page/​fiki |MallToYou]]**</​del>​
   * Porumb Andrei-Cornel   * Porumb Andrei-Cornel
   * Dinu Dumitru-Razvan   * Dinu Dumitru-Razvan
Line 103: Line 295:
   * Ana Stefan   * Ana Stefan
   * Bogdan Manda   * Bogdan Manda
 +  * Pop Adrian Vasile (11.01)
-**14. [[https://​sorintanase100.github.io/​BalaurByte/​main_index.html |BalaurByte]]**+<del>**14. [[https://​sorintanase100.github.io/​BalaurByte/​main_index.html |BalaurByte]]**</​del>​
   * Alexandru Dragomir   * Alexandru Dragomir
   * Sorin Tănase   * Sorin Tănase
Line 130: Line 323:
-**17. [[https://​beaconx-fiki-d13315.webflow.io |BeaconX]]**+<del>**17. [[https://​beaconx-fiki-d13315.webflow.io |BeaconX]]**</​del>​
   * Gabriel Iosif   * Gabriel Iosif
   * Alexandru Jilavu   * Alexandru Jilavu
-**18. [[https://​homiezz.github.io/​homie-startup/ |Homie]]**+**18. [[https://​homiezz.github.io/​homie-fiki/ |Homie]]**
   * Ioana Mocanu   * Ioana Mocanu
   * Andreea Tătulescu   * Andreea Tătulescu
Line 145: Line 338:
-**19. [[https://​wanderwiseteam.github.io/​Fiki/​|wanderwise]]**+<del>**19. [[https://​wanderwiseteam.github.io/​Fiki/​|wanderwise]]**</​del>​
   * Stefania Dina   * Stefania Dina
Line 163: Line 356:
   * Marinescu Sebastian   * Marinescu Sebastian
   * Varzaru Mihnea   * Varzaru Mihnea
 +**22. [[http://​www.fiki.cartedevizitadigitala.ro/​ | CarteDeVizitaDigitala]]**
 +  * Adrian Olariu
 +  * Sorin Tănase
 +**22. [[https://​fiki-feastique.web.app/​ | Feastique]]**
 +  * Florian Marcu
 </​columns>​ </​columns>​
Line 171: Line 372:
 Notify //​[[emilian.radoi@upb.ro | Emilian Rădoi]]// by email after completing the form.  Notify //​[[emilian.radoi@upb.ro | Emilian Rădoi]]// by email after completing the form.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
se/project/projects.1702325859.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/11 22:17 by emilian.radoi
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