
No plan is ever complete without a list of deadlines! ^ _ ^

And the best way to make them noticeable is to use milestones.

Milestones are used to help you keep your projects on track. A milestone is a marker in a project that signifies a stage in development. They are powerful components of a project plan because they show key events and map forward movement. Without project milestone tracking, you’re just monitoring tasks and not necessarily following the right path in your project.

Project Milestones

  • M0 - Idea registration
  • M1 - Fiki & Project description
  • M2 - Validation 1 (idea)
  • M3 - Mockups & Landing page
  • M4 - Personna, Flow, User stories / Use cases, Architecture
  • M5 - Validation 2 (design, UX)
  • M6 - Market research
  • M7 - MVP
  • M8 - First sale
  • M9 - Slides
  • M11 - Overall project presentation (Fiki - final version)
se/project/milestones.txt · Last modified: 2018/12/02 17:22 by emilian.radoi
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