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se:project:milestones:m3 [2017/11/07 22:29]
emilian.radoi [Persona, Flow, Site Map]
se:project:milestones:m3 [2023/11/09 10:34] (current)
cosmin.dumitrache [Landing Page]
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-====== M3 - 14.11.17 ====== +====== M3 - 15.11.23 ====== 
-====== ​PersonaFlowSite Map ======+ 
 +====== ​Wireframe and Landing Page ====== 
 +==== Wireframe ==== 
 +A wireframe represents the skeleton/​structure of your app. It describe the functionality of the product and the relations between views (e.g. what happens when clicking the buttons). It presents the content/​features and where these can be found in the app.  
 +The product'​s design is showcased by mockupswhich represent the next stage after wireframes.  
 +For this milestone you are only required to create wireframes for your productbut if you want to go for mockups, please feel free. 
 +Check out [[https://​balsamiq.com/​ | Balsamiq]] (just a suggestion, you are free to use any tool). 
 +If your product is not a web or mobile app, figure out how you can showcase its functionality. 
 +==== Landing Page ==== 
 +If you don't know what a landing page is, you can find more information [[https://​letmegooglethat.com/?​q=landing+page | here]]. 
 +<note important>​ 
 +In case it is not clear by now, each milestone has to be documented on the Fiki by its deadline. 
 +For this milestone, include on the Fiki the wireframe and a link to the landing page. 
-For this milestone add to your project description the following: 
-  - User persona 
-  - Application flow 
-  - Site/​Application map - [[http://​mile.mmu.edu.my/​orion/​1132700458/​wp-content/​uploads/​sites/​1412/​2016/​01/​sitemap.jpg | example]] 
se/project/milestones/m3.1510086544.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/11/07 22:29 by emilian.radoi
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