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se:project:milestones:m11 [2020/01/06 16:06]
se:project:milestones:m11 [2024/10/09 20:04] (current)
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-====== M11 - 13.01.20 ======+====== M11 - 13.01.25 ====== 
 ====== Finalise Fiki ====== ====== Finalise Fiki ======
-You have until 13.01.20 at 10:00AM to update the Fiki before it will be graded.+You have until 15.01.24 at 10:00AM to update the Fiki before it will be graded.
 Ensure ​ Ensure ​
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   * that it looks nice and tidy   * that it looks nice and tidy
-Make use of feedback from the presentation ​if you consider it fitting. +Make use of feedback from the final presentations ​if you consider it fitting. 
se/project/milestones/m11.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/09 20:04 by emilian.radoi
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