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se:labs:02 [2019/10/08 12:44]
cosmin.dumitrache [Why is var so introverted ?]
se:labs:02 [2023/10/10 01:13] (current)
emilian.radoi [Feedback]
Line 4: Line 4:
 {{https://​media.makeameme.org/​created/​javascript-javascript-everywhere.jpg| JS}} {{https://​media.makeameme.org/​created/​javascript-javascript-everywhere.jpg| JS}}
 +**[[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​125SZ_EqMi5FIPCbiNWinSkYq7xrHzhh1/​view?​usp=sharing | Introduction video]]**
 JavaScript is the programming language of not only the browser, but also the server, native applications and even [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=6CmIidOxc2g|Arduino boards!]] JavaScript is the programming language of not only the browser, but also the server, native applications and even [[https://​www.youtube.com/​watch?​v=6CmIidOxc2g|Arduino boards!]]
Line 67: Line 69:
   * ''​%%undefined%%''​ - this means that the variable has been declared but not initialized (''​%%let x%%''​)   * ''​%%undefined%%''​ - this means that the variable has been declared but not initialized (''​%%let x%%''​)
 +<code javascript>​
 +var x
 +console.log(x) // undefined
   * ''​%%NaN%%''​ - stands for //not a number//. This is set when doing invalid conversion operations:   * ''​%%NaN%%''​ - stands for //not a number//. This is set when doing invalid conversion operations:
 <code javascript>​ <code javascript>​
-let x = '​hello'​ +let x = '​hello' ​* 3 
-x.toString() ​ +console.log(x) // NaN
-console.log(x) //NaN+
 </​code>​ </​code>​
   * ''​%%null%%''​ - returned from some functions when no response can be given.   * ''​%%null%%''​ - returned from some functions when no response can be given.
 +<code javascript>​
 +let x = '​hello'​.match('​bye'​)
 +console.log(x) // null
 ====== Functions ====== ====== Functions ======
Line 136: Line 149:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Try running the code above in your browser'​s developer console and see what happens ​😊+Try running the code above in your browser'​s developer console and see what happens.
 ====== Network requests using fetch ====== ====== Network requests using fetch ======
Line 196: Line 209:
 For today, you'll going to have to do the following: For today, you'll going to have to do the following:
-  - Download the {{:se:labs:task2.zip|zip file}} containing the tasks.+  - Download the {{:se:labs:task2b.zip|zip file}} containing the tasks.
   - Go to the //tasks/// folder, and complete all the functions marked with //TODO:// in the //​index.js//​ file   - Go to the //tasks/// folder, and complete all the functions marked with //TODO:// in the //​index.js//​ file
   - In the //api/// folder, you have the necessary functions of a command line API client for the typicode API. Fill in the functions and make it work by calling the addPost, getPosts and deletePost functions from the browser'​s command line   - In the //api/// folder, you have the necessary functions of a command line API client for the typicode API. Fill in the functions and make it work by calling the addPost, getPosts and deletePost functions from the browser'​s command line
   - In the apiInterface/​ folder, you will have to reuse the api/ files in order to make a Postman-like interface for the API. Add event listeners to the buttons and output the result from the API in the div in the HTML.   - In the apiInterface/​ folder, you will have to reuse the api/ files in order to make a Postman-like interface for the API. Add event listeners to the buttons and output the result from the API in the div in the HTML.
-  - In the notifyMe/ folder, you already have a setup for a notification request. Trigger a notification when pressing the button. 
   - In the imageGif/ folder, you have an array of image locations and an img object. Can you make a GIF out of them?   - In the imageGif/ folder, you have an array of image locations and an img object. Can you make a GIF out of them?
 +  - Optional: In the notifyMe/ folder, you already have a setup for a notification request. Trigger a notification when pressing the button.
 <​solution -hidden> <​solution -hidden>
Line 220: Line 233:
 ====== Feedback ====== ====== Feedback ======
-Please take a minute to fill in the **[[https://​docs.google.com/forms/​d/​e/​1FAIpQLSe4RKsezNzCRz_0hZwaD6k0_HagKgJFanirq7Kb6Ukptj-Svw/​viewform ​| feedback form]]** for this lab.+Please take a minute to fill in the **[[https://​forms.gle/PNZYNNZFrVChLjag8 ​| feedback form]]** for this lab. 
 +/* **[[https://​meet.google.com/​sgd-hbwv-hhy | Google Meet]]** */
se/labs/02.1570527867.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/08 12:44 by cosmin.dumitrache
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