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sd-ca [2020/02/18 13:43]
teodor_stefan.dutu Adaugare Mihai Pirvulet
sd-ca [2024/02/28 09:21] (current)
alexandru.olteanu [Helperi]
Line 11: Line 11:
   *[[emil.racec@gmail.com|Emil Racec]]   *[[emil.racec@gmail.com|Emil Racec]]
   *[[andrei.vasiliu2211@gmail.com|Andrei Vasiliu]]   *[[andrei.vasiliu2211@gmail.com|Andrei Vasiliu]]
-  *[[rares96cheseli@gmail.com|Rareș Cheșeli]] +  *[[radunichita99@gmail.com | Radu Nichita]] 
-  *[[armand.nicolicioiu@gmail.com|Armand Nicolicioiu]] +  *[[maria.sfiraiala@gmail.com | Maria Sfîrăială]] 
-  *[[george.apopescu97@gmail.com|George Popescu]] +  *[[ignat.horia.andrei@gmail.com | Horia Ignat]] 
-  *[[matei.danut@yahoo.com|Dănuț Matei]] +  *[[andreiotetea23@gmail.com | Otetea ​Andrei]] 
-  *[[lucaistrate@gmail.com|Luca Istrate]] +  *[[marin.eduard.c@gmail.com | Eduard-Constantin Marin]] 
-  *[[andrei_medar@yahoo.com|Andrei Medar]] +  *[[alex24marinescu@gmail.com | Marinescu Alexandru]] 
-  *[[andistroie@gmail.com|Andi Stroie]] +  *[[robert.grancsa2002@gmail.com | Grancsa Robert]] 
-  *[[serban_ioan.ciofu@stud.acs.upb.ro|Serban Ciofu]] +  *[[andreea.dre02@gmail.com | Andreea Drehuta]]
-  *[[dinuaadrian@gmail.com|Andrei ​Dinu]] +
-  *[[teodor.dutu@gmail.com|Teodor Dutu]] +
-  *[[neaturemus07@gmail.com|Remus Mihai Neatu]] +
-  *[[popescu.octavian09@gmail.com|Daniel-Octavian Popescu]] +
-  *[[topala.andrei@gmail.com|Andrei Topala]] +
-  *[[nedelcu.horia.alexandru@gmail.com|Horia Nedelcu]] +
-  *[[alexcosmin.mihai@gmail.com|Alexandru Cosmin Mihai]] +
-  *[[doringeman@gmail.com|Dorin Geman]] +
-  *[[amirea99@gmail.com|Adrian Mirea]] +
-  *[[mitapirvuet@gmail.com| ​Mihai Pirvulet]]+
 +==== Helpers ====
 +  *[[matei.mantu@stud.acs.upb.ro | Mantu Matei-Cristian]]
 +  *[[razvanmihai1337@yahoo.com ​ | Baldovin Razvan-Mihai-Marian ]]
 +  *[[melih.riza@yahoo.com | Riza Melih]]
 +  *[[alinichim49@gmail.com | Alin Ichim]]
 +  *[[popai500@yahoo.com | Popa Iarina-Ioana]]
 +  *[[stef.dascalu@gmail.com | Dascalu Stefan Teodor]]
 +  *[[serban.ionescu15@gmail.com | Ionescu Șerban-Mihai ]]
 +  *[[andreipirlea03@gmail.com | Pîrlea Andrei]]
 +  *[[rafael.chitan03@gmail.com | Chitan Rafael]]
 +  *[[andrei.stan0305@gmail.com | Stan Andrei]]
 ==== Calendar SD  ==== ==== Calendar SD  ====
 +Planificarea cursurilor si a laboratoarelor este disponibila [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​1VNYLtWSUkgkR7CU6zMwzykhC-V3is8m7w9xK3x1G3KY/​edit#​gid=1787605961|aici]]
-Planificarea cursurilor si a laboratoarelor este disponibila [[https://​docs.google.com/​spreadsheets/​d/​116hX43TUFn_1Fqys9PspsTSNdmdKvx6cuWp3gJUQcVE/​edit#​gid=1787605961|aici]] 
-===== Orar ===== 
-^  Orar curs (sala AN-030) ​ | 
-|   joi, 16:00 - 18:00  | 
-|   ​miercuri,​ 12:00 - 14:00 (par)  | 
-^  Orar laborator ^^^^ 
-^  Grupă ​   ^  Zi laborator ​ ^  Ore  laborator ​  ^ Sala ^ 
-|  311CAa ​ |    marti       ​| ​   12:00 - 14:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  311CAb ​ |    luni        |    18:00 - 20:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  312CAa ​ |    vineri ​     |    12:00 - 14:00    |  ED217  | 
-|  312CAb ​ |    joi         ​| ​   12:00 - 14:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  313CAa ​ |    joi         ​| ​   08:00 - 10:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  313CAb ​ |    vineri ​     |    10:00 - 12:00    |  ED217  | 
-|  314CAa ​ |    marti       ​| ​   14:00 - 16:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  314CAb ​ |    luni        |    16:00 - 18:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  315CAa ​ |    joi         ​| ​   14:00 - 16:00    |  EG105  | 
-|  315CAb ​ |    joi         ​| ​   10:00 - 12:00    |  EG105  | 
sd-ca.1582026191.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/18 13:43 by teodor_stefan.dutu
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