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isrm:laboratoare:new:start [2019/12/26 12:30]
isrm:laboratoare:new:start [2019/12/26 12:35] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
 ====== Laboratoare 2020 ====== ====== Laboratoare 2020 ======
   * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​01|Lab 1 - Introducere in ns-3]]   * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​01|Lab 1 - Introducere in ns-3]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​02|Lab 2 - Plotting, tracing]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​03-04-capac|Lab 3-4 - Capacitatea mediului in WiFi]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​05|Lab 5 - Propagarea semnalelor (Nagakami, 3log dist)]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​06|Lab 6 - MCS adaptive algorithms]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​07|Lab 7-8 - 802.11 Contention window]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​09|Lab 9 - Echitate]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​10|Lab 10 - MCS-uri multiple]]
 +  * [[isrm:​laboratoare:​new:​11|Lab 11 - WiFi on Linux]]
 +  * **TODO**: modele colocviu
isrm/laboratoare/new/start.1577356238.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/26 12:30 by mbarbulescu
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