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isrm:laboratoare:new:04 [2020/12/24 15:16]
mbarbulescu [[00] Pregătire laborator]
isrm:laboratoare:new:04 [2024/03/19 09:04] (current)
mbarbulescu [[00] Pregătire laborator]
Line 30: Line 30:
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-Pentru a realiza grafice, trebuie sa instalam si pachetele de Python: 
-<code bash> 
-student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ sudo apt-get update 
-student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip 
-student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ pip3 install matplotlib jupyter 
-student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ sudo ln -s ~/​.local/​bin/​jupyter-notebook /​usr/​bin/​jupyter-notebook 
 Pentru a lansa aplicatia de Jupyter Notebook, rulati urmatoarea comanda: Pentru a lansa aplicatia de Jupyter Notebook, rulati urmatoarea comanda:
Line 48: Line 40:
 <code bash> <code bash>
 student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ sudo apt-get install tshark student@isrm-vm-2020:​~$ sudo apt-get install tshark
 +Daca sunt probleme cu plot-ul (in special in Windows Subsystem for Linux) mai e nevoie de acest pachet:
 +<code bash>
 +sudo apt install -y python3-tk
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 ====== [01] Capacitatea ideală simulare UDP 2 noduri RTS/CTS ====== ====== [01] Capacitatea ideală simulare UDP 2 noduri RTS/CTS ======
 +Atentie trebuie rulat pentru 802.11b:
 +<code bash>
 +sed -i '​s/​WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211g/​WIFI_PHY_STANDARD_80211b/​g'​ ./​ns3-labs/​lab-03-04-capacity/​lab3.cc
 Re-rulați simularea de capacitate ideală trafic UDP cu 2 noduri activând RTS/​CTS. ​ Re-rulați simularea de capacitate ideală trafic UDP cu 2 noduri activând RTS/​CTS. ​
Line 67: Line 72:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-for mcs in 1 2 3 4 +for mcs in 1 2 3 4do 
-do +   for payload in 100 200 300 400; do 
-   for payload in 100 200 300 400 +
-   do+
         ./waf --run "lab3 --numberOfNodes=2 --payloadSize=$payload --offeredRate=11Mbps --phyRate=$mcs --simulationTime=2 --tracing=true --enableRtsCts=true"​         ./waf --run "lab3 --numberOfNodes=2 --payloadSize=$payload --offeredRate=11Mbps --phyRate=$mcs --simulationTime=2 --tracing=true --enableRtsCts=true"​
    done    done
isrm/laboratoare/new/04.1608815818.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/24 15:16 by mbarbulescu
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