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isrm:documentatie [2016/09/21 18:13]
isrm:documentatie [2019/02/27 15:08] (current)
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-== [[ http://​wi-fi.cs.pub.ro/​~dniculescu/​didactic/​eim/​doc | Obligatorii]] ==+== Obligatorii ​ ==
   * Matthew Gast, "​802.11 Wireless Networks: The definitive Guide",​ Second Edition, O'​Reilly 2005    * Matthew Gast, "​802.11 Wireless Networks: The definitive Guide",​ Second Edition, O'​Reilly 2005 
   * Jochen Schiller, "​Mobile Communications",​ Second Edition, Pearson 2003    * Jochen Schiller, "​Mobile Communications",​ Second Edition, Pearson 2003 
 +  * [[ http://​wi-fi.cs.pub.ro/​~dniculescu/​didactic/​isrm/​doc | acces restricționat ]]
 == Facultative == == Facultative ==
   * Matthew Gast, "​802.11n a Survival Guide, O'​Reilly 2012   * Matthew Gast, "​802.11n a Survival Guide, O'​Reilly 2012
   * Matthew Gast, "​802.11ac a Survival Guide, O'​Reilly 2013   * Matthew Gast, "​802.11ac a Survival Guide, O'​Reilly 2013
 +  * Dragoș Niculescu, "​Infrastructuri și Servicii pentru Rețele Mobile",​ [[https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​_media/​isrm/​laboratoare/​indrumar_2017.pdf|îndrumar ediția 2017]] ​ în format PDF (ebook), editura Politehnica Press
isrm/documentatie.1474470808.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/21 18:13 by dragos.niculescu
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