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Performance Evaluation

This course equips students with the concepts and techniques for conducting relevant performance analysis and comparisons. It presents tools for monitoring the performance of the subsystems of the Linux and Windows operating systems, along with methods for clear data presentation.

Announcements 2019-2020

Join our team 8-) 💪🏼 —> email @ Emilian

  • Exam 1 Feb 2020, 11:00AM, EC105
  • You are divided in 2 groups:
  • *Group 1 - 11:00AM
  • *Group 2 - 12:00PM
  • The groups can be viewed *HERE*
  • * Do not be late! If you are late you will not be allowed in the exam.
  • * Bring your LAPTOP.* You will not be allowed to use phones.
  • EP BitQuiz - 11 Dec - PR001, Lecture Test 4 = attendance at BitQuiz
  • 4 Dec - Lecture BitDefender 2 + Lecture Test 3
  • 27 Nov - Lecture BitDefender 1 (applications - no slides)
  • The second lecture test will be on Wednesday, 20th of November.
  • Next week 11-15 November, NO LECTURE, NO LABS!
  • The lab test is scheduled for next week, during the lab timeslots on 4, 5, 6 and 7th of November. The test will be based on the previous labs, and has the same amount of points as a normal lab.
  • The first lecture test will be on Wenesday, 23rd of October.
  • Labs occupation for the first 2 weeks can be seen here°
  • For the next lecture, on the 9th of October, we have an invited speaker: Michael Widenius. He is main author of the open source MySQL database and a founding member and CTO of the MariaDB Corporation AB. He's going to give a presentation on: “How to become an Open Source Entrepreneur”.
  • Labs start on the 30th of September 2019.
  • Lectures start on the 25th of September 2019 in room EC105.



Teaching schedule
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8 - 10 Opt-sg2
- -
10 - 12 - 341C5-sg1
- -
12 - 14 - 341C5-sg2
- 343C5-sg2
14 - 16 - - - 343C5-sg1
16 - 18 - - - - -
18 - 20 - - Lecture
- -
ep.1580570333.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/01 17:18 by emilian.radoi
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