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Performance Evaluation

This course equips students with the concepts and techniques for conducting more relevant performance evaluations and comparisons. It presents tools for monitoring the performance of the subsystems of the Linux and Windows operating systems, along with methods for clear data presentation.

Labs schedule (room EG106)
Luni Marți Miercuri Joi Vineri
8 - 10 - - - - -
10 - 12 - Mihai Chiroiu Emilian Rădoi - -
12 - 14 - Mihai Chiroiu Emilian Rădoi Emilian Rădoi -
14 - 16 - - Emilian Rădoi Emilian Rădoi -
16 - 18 - - - - -
18 - 20 - - - - -


  • Laboratorul trecut in orar Marti seara 18-20 NU se tine! Cei din grupa alocata acestui laborator alegeti-va unul din celelalte laboratoare.
  • Laboratorul de Miercuri ora 8-10 este trecut gresit in orar. Acesta are loc tot Miercuri dar la 10-12.

Orarul din tabelul de mai sus este corect :)


ep.1518193696.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/09 18:28 by emilian.radoi
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