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ep:labs:08 [2021/10/09 12:09]
ep:labs:08 [2023/10/30 00:50] (current)
ana.grigorescu0809 [03. Process Monitor]
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 ====== Lab 08 - I/O Monitoring (Windows) ====== ====== Lab 08 - I/O Monitoring (Windows) ======
 +===== Objectives =====
 +  * Offer an introduction to Windows I/O monitoring.
 +  * Get you acquainted with a few Windows standard monitoring tools like **Task Manager**, **Windows Performance Recorder**, **Process Monitor**, and **Process Explorer**.
 +  * Learn how to monitor disk activity, identify what is generating it, and figure out what the issue is by looking at the pdbs and the code.
 +  * Take a deeper look into how monitoring tools extract data from processes.
 <note important>​ <note important>​
 You can download the **Windows 10 VM** via [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​radu_mantu_upb_ro/​EXSrHQMCkWBEpGYseFEmnnABCA1hyb1oGWMUhnnHx8LIdQ?​e=I0pxHg | OneDrive]]. You can download the **Windows 10 VM** via [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​radu_mantu_upb_ro/​EXSrHQMCkWBEpGYseFEmnnABCA1hyb1oGWMUhnnHx8LIdQ?​e=I0pxHg | OneDrive]].
 +If you need to use VirtualBox, you can use this //.ovf// version to import the VM (just on OneDrive)
 +[[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​cezar_craciunoiu_upb_ro/​EZYR_YFyHx5GiHf5yBNuiyYB-zXhIaTNzJ8o8Ri2M8l5Mw?​e=9qxrde | OneDrive]].
 There is also the option to download as a torrent {{:​ep:​labs:​ep_win10_vm.7z.torrent.txt}}. There is also the option to download as a torrent {{:​ep:​labs:​ep_win10_vm.7z.torrent.txt}}.
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 </​note>​ </​note>​
-===== Objectives ===== 
-  * Offer an introduction to Windows I/O monitoring. 
-  * Get you acquainted with a few Windows standard monitoring tools like **Task Manager**, **Windows Performance Recorder**, **Process Monitor**, and **Process Explorer**. 
-  * Learn how to monitor disk activity, identify what is generating it, and figure out what the issue is by looking at the pdbs and the code. 
-  * Take a deeper look into how monitoring tools extract data from processes. 
 ===== Contents ===== ===== Contents =====
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 ==== 03. Process Monitor ==== ==== 03. Process Monitor ====
  ​Process Monitor is another troubleshooting tool from Windows Sysinternals that displays the files and registry keys that applications access in real-time.  ​Process Monitor is another troubleshooting tool from Windows Sysinternals that displays the files and registry keys that applications access in real-time.
- The results can be saved to a log file, which you can send it to an expert for analyzing a problem and troubleshooting it.+ The results can be saved to a log file, which you can send to an expert for analyzing a problem and troubleshooting it.
 **How to Use Process Monitor to Track Registry and File System Changes?** **How to Use Process Monitor to Track Registry and File System Changes?**
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  ​Following the steps below (or the video) we can record what causes the error.  ​Following the steps below (or the video) we can record what causes the error.
- ​Afterwards we can send it to an expert or search for a fix ourselves.+ ​Afterwardswe can send it to an expert or search for a fix ourselves.
  <​html>​  <​html>​
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 | **11.** Switch back to Notepad. || | **11.** Switch back to Notepad. ||
 | **12.** To reproduce the problem, try writing to the HOSTS file and saving it. Windows offers to save the file with a different name, or in a different location. So, what happens under the hood when you save to HOSTS file? Process Monitor shows that exactly. || | **12.** To reproduce the problem, try writing to the HOSTS file and saving it. Windows offers to save the file with a different name, or in a different location. So, what happens under the hood when you save to HOSTS file? Process Monitor shows that exactly. ||
-| **13.** Switch to Process Monitor window, and turn off Capturing (Ctrl + E) as soon as you encountered ​the problem. **Important Note**: You need to do all that as quickly as you can in order to not record unneeded data. ||+| **13.** Switch to Process Monitor window, and turn off Capturing (Ctrl + E) as soon as you encounter ​the problem. **Important Note**: You need to do all that as quickly as you can in order to not record unneeded data. ||
 <note warning> <note warning>
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  ​Windows Performance Recorder / Windows Performance Analyzer show who used the disk during a longer time period, although they were showing the activity as belonging to the System process instead of our process.  ​Windows Performance Recorder / Windows Performance Analyzer show who used the disk during a longer time period, although they were showing the activity as belonging to the System process instead of our process.
- Using Process Monitor we could identify our processes'​ entire activity and we could determine why one is slower than the other.+ Using Process Monitor we could identify our processes'​ entire activity and determine why one is slower than the other.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
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  The tasks can be found for the Windows sessions can be found here:  The tasks can be found for the Windows sessions can be found here:
   * New Tasks: {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks.zip|}}   * New Tasks: {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks.zip|}}
-  * Old Tasks (before 2021): {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks-old.zip|}} 
 </​note>​ </​note>​
 {{namespace>:​ep:​labs:​08:​contents:​tasks&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}} {{namespace>:​ep:​labs:​08:​contents:​tasks&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}}
ep/labs/08.1633770573.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/09 12:09 by cezar.craciunoiu
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