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ep:labs:08 [2021/10/04 22:24]
ep:labs:08 [2023/10/30 00:50] (current)
ana.grigorescu0809 [03. Process Monitor]
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 ====== Lab 08 - I/O Monitoring (Windows) ====== ====== Lab 08 - I/O Monitoring (Windows) ======
 +===== Objectives =====
 +  * Offer an introduction to Windows I/O monitoring.
 +  * Get you acquainted with a few Windows standard monitoring tools like **Task Manager**, **Windows Performance Recorder**, **Process Monitor**, and **Process Explorer**.
 +  * Learn how to monitor disk activity, identify what is generating it, and figure out what the issue is by looking at the pdbs and the code.
 +  * Take a deeper look into how monitoring tools extract data from processes.
 <note important>​ <note important>​
 You can download the **Windows 10 VM** via [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​radu_mantu_upb_ro/​EXSrHQMCkWBEpGYseFEmnnABCA1hyb1oGWMUhnnHx8LIdQ?​e=I0pxHg | OneDrive]]. You can download the **Windows 10 VM** via [[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​radu_mantu_upb_ro/​EXSrHQMCkWBEpGYseFEmnnABCA1hyb1oGWMUhnnHx8LIdQ?​e=I0pxHg | OneDrive]].
 +If you need to use VirtualBox, you can use this //.ovf// version to import the VM (just on OneDrive)
 +[[https://​ctipub-my.sharepoint.com/:​u:/​g/​personal/​cezar_craciunoiu_upb_ro/​EZYR_YFyHx5GiHf5yBNuiyYB-zXhIaTNzJ8o8Ri2M8l5Mw?​e=9qxrde | OneDrive]].
 There is also the option to download as a torrent {{:​ep:​labs:​ep_win10_vm.7z.torrent.txt}}. There is also the option to download as a torrent {{:​ep:​labs:​ep_win10_vm.7z.torrent.txt}}.
Line 20: Line 31:
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-===== Objectives ===== 
-  * Offer an introduction to Windows I/O monitoring. +===== Contents ===== 
-  * Get you acquainted with a few Windows standard monitoring tools like **Task Manager**, **Windows Performance Recorder**, **Process Monitor**, and **Process Explorer**. +{{page>:​ep:​labs:​08:​meta:​nav&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}} 
-  * Learn how to monitor disk activity, identify what is generating it, and figure out what the issue is by looking at the pdbs and the code. +
-  * Take a deeper look into how monitoring tools extract data from processes.+
 ===== Introduction ===== ===== Introduction =====
Line 74: Line 83:
 ==== 03. Process Monitor ==== ==== 03. Process Monitor ====
  ​Process Monitor is another troubleshooting tool from Windows Sysinternals that displays the files and registry keys that applications access in real-time.  ​Process Monitor is another troubleshooting tool from Windows Sysinternals that displays the files and registry keys that applications access in real-time.
- The results can be saved to a log file, which you can send it to an expert for analyzing a problem and troubleshooting it.+ The results can be saved to a log file, which you can send to an expert for analyzing a problem and troubleshooting it.
 **How to Use Process Monitor to Track Registry and File System Changes?** **How to Use Process Monitor to Track Registry and File System Changes?**
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  When we try to do this we encounter an error when saving the file.  When we try to do this we encounter an error when saving the file.
- ​Following the steps below (or this [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1ZYdtOq7QsY0nfYDS3e4foPFRVPgO4Qdb/​view | video]]) we can record what causes the error. + ​Following the steps below (or the video) we can record what causes the error. 
- ​Afterwards we can send it to an expert or search for a fix ourselves.+ ​Afterwardswe can send it to an expert or search for a fix ourselves. 
 + <​html>​ 
 +  <​center>​ 
 +   <​iframe width="​560"​ height="​315"​ src="​https://​www.youtube-nocookie.com/​embed/​-3JiM-PPigA"​ title="​YouTube video player"​ frameborder="​0"​ allow="​accelerometer;​ autoplay; clipboard-write;​ encrypted-media;​ gyroscope; picture-in-picture"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​ 
 +  </​center>​ 
 +  <​center>​ 
 +   <​b>​The video covers all 3 parts.</​b>​ 
 +  </​center>​ 
 + </​html>​
 ^ Part 1: Running Process Monitor & Configuring Filters ^^ ^ Part 1: Running Process Monitor & Configuring Filters ^^
Line 106: Line 124:
 | **11.** Switch back to Notepad. || | **11.** Switch back to Notepad. ||
 | **12.** To reproduce the problem, try writing to the HOSTS file and saving it. Windows offers to save the file with a different name, or in a different location. So, what happens under the hood when you save to HOSTS file? Process Monitor shows that exactly. || | **12.** To reproduce the problem, try writing to the HOSTS file and saving it. Windows offers to save the file with a different name, or in a different location. So, what happens under the hood when you save to HOSTS file? Process Monitor shows that exactly. ||
-| **13.** Switch to Process Monitor window, and turn off Capturing (Ctrl + E) as soon as you encountered ​the problem. **Important Note**: You need to do all that as quickly as you can in order to not record ​uneeded ​data. ||+| **13.** Switch to Process Monitor window, and turn off Capturing (Ctrl + E) as soon as you encounter ​the problem. **Important Note**: You need to do all that as quickly as you can in order to not record ​unneeded ​data. ||
 <note warning> <note warning>
Line 124: Line 142:
  ​Windows Performance Recorder / Windows Performance Analyzer show who used the disk during a longer time period, although they were showing the activity as belonging to the System process instead of our process.  ​Windows Performance Recorder / Windows Performance Analyzer show who used the disk during a longer time period, although they were showing the activity as belonging to the System process instead of our process.
- Using Process Monitor we could identify our processes'​ entire activity and we could determine why one is slower than the other.+ Using Process Monitor we could identify our processes'​ entire activity and determine why one is slower than the other.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
Line 133: Line 151:
  Even if it doesn'​t look as pretty as Task Manager, this tool was developed for Windows 2000 initially.  Even if it doesn'​t look as pretty as Task Manager, this tool was developed for Windows 2000 initially.
  The Task Manager of Windows 2000 offered much fewer options than the one for Windows 10.  The Task Manager of Windows 2000 offered much fewer options than the one for Windows 10.
- Now, Task Manager and Process Explorer are interchangable ​in most cases.+ Now, Task Manager and Process Explorer are interchangeable ​in most cases.
 ==== 05. Windows API ==== ==== 05. Windows API ====
Line 151: Line 169:
  The tasks can be found for the Windows sessions can be found here:  The tasks can be found for the Windows sessions can be found here:
   * New Tasks: {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks.zip|}}   * New Tasks: {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks.zip|}}
-  * Old Tasks (before 2021): {{:​ep:​laboratoare:​lab08-tasks-old.zip|}} 
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-==== 01. Task Manager ==== +{{namespace>​:ep:labs:08:contents:tasks&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}}
- Go through the Task Manager introduction and/or watch this video containing a short [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1z1J6lgoYfBOZF7acEzR8gEq1MH1OZgaf/​view | tutorial]]. +
- +
- :!: **Which process is constantly reading or writing to your hard disk?** +
- +
- <​note tip> +
-  - Open Task Manager and select the Details tab +
-  - Right-click on the column header and click "​Select columns"​ +
-  - Enable the "I/O Read Bytes" and "I/O Write Bytes" checkboxes +
-  - Sort the list by clicking on a column header to see the most read-intensive and/or write-intensive processes +
-  - Identify the process and mention if and why the I/O traffic is justified +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- <​note>​ +
-  * "I/O Read Bytes" is the number of bytes read in input/​output operations generated by a process, including file, network, and device I/Os. +
-  * "I/O Write Bytes" is the number of bytes written in input/​output operations by a process, including file, network, and device I/Os. +
-  * "I/O Read Bytes" and "I/O Write Bytes" directed to console are not counted.  +
- </​note>​ +
- +
-==== 02. Windows Performance Recorder & Analyzer ==== +
- <​note warning>​ +
- For this task we will use //​**Logs.exe**//​ and //​**GoodLog.exe**//​ inside the //​**Task-02**//​ folder. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- We want to capture the activity of both //​**Logs.exe**//​ and //​**GoodLog.exe**//​. +
- To do this we will start WPR and record an execution of Logs.exe and GoodLog.exe afterwards. +
- We will then analyze the results using WPA, concentrating on the Disk activity and compare the results with Task Manager. +
- +
- :!: **To do this you can follow the steps below or follow the demo in this [[https://​drive.google.com/​file/​d/​1DTEnxhv9Tb5TORz1RFT7-v2ojLPW5l7A/​view | video]].** +
- +
- The video is recommended as it is more visual and can be easily followed. +
- +
- <​note tip> +
-  - Open Windows Performance Recorder by searching for it in the search bar +
-  - Click "More Options"​ and choose the following from Resource Analysis: CPU usage, Disk I/O activity, File I/O activity, Registry I/O activity, Networking I/O activity, Heap usage, Pool usage, and VirtualAlloc usage +
-  - Using Command Prompt, navigate to the folders where the Logs/​GoodLog executables are located +
-  - Start the recording and run GoodLog & Logs afterwards +
-  - Save the recording and open it with WPA +
-  - Double click on Storage to analyze the storage operations +
-  - Click on Utilization by Disk on the upper-left corner and select: Utilization by Process, Path Name, and Stack +
-  - Run the executables again, this time observing them inside Task Manager +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- Can you guess why there is disk activity, but WPA does not show it? +
- <​spoiler>​ +
- The way Windows Performance Recorder records activity is based on events generated by the Windows kernel. +
- It registers to track the events, listens to them, and during the recording period it constantly samples which process uses which resource at the time of sampling. +
- It sums up the number of time that a process was caught doing something. +
- +
- In our case, the two processes want to write to the disk, but they are not the ones that get to do the actual writing. +
- They tell the system that they want to write, and the System process schedules the writing. +
- +
- The reason for this is targeting a more efficient disk writing, as the System process is trying to minimise the impact to the disk. +
- This is why our process'​s writing is passed over to the System process. +
- </​spoiler>​ +
- +
-==== 03. Process Monitor ==== +
-== Task A - Checking Logging File == +
-<note warning>​ +
- For this task we will use //​**Logs.exe**//​ and //​**GoodLog.exe**//​ inside the //​**Task-03/​Task-A**//​ folder. +
-</​note>​ +
- +
- We want to see what is the difference between //​**Logs.exe**//​ and //​**GoodLog.exe**//​. +
- After running both programs we can see that the output is identical. +
- ​Still,​ Logs.exe takes much longer to complete compared to GoodLog.exe. +
- We will use Process Monitor to determine the problem. +
- +
- :!: **Follow the steps to analyze the programs.** +
- +
- <​note tip> +
-  - Open Process Monitor and add a filter for Logs.exe (and GoodLog.exe afterwards). To do this create a filter of the format //'​Process Name' '​is'​ '​Logs.exe'//​. +
-  - Open the Command Prompt and run Logs.exe, while Process Monitor is running. +
-  - Save the capture and reset all events (Ctrl + X). +
-  - Repeat the first 3 steps for GoodLog.exe. +
-  - Open both saved PML files and notice the differences. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- <​spoiler>​ +
- {{:ep:laboratoare:ep4_procmonlogscomparison.jpg?​400|}} +
- <​note important>​ +
- On the left-hand side it is shown the faster logging process, and on the right-hand side the slower one. +
- Look in the red highlighted area to see the difference. +
- +
- On the left-hand side the logging file is opened, followed by continuous writing. +
- On the right-hand side the file is opened and closed for every writing operation which explains the significant slowdown.  +
- </​note>​ +
- </​spoiler>​ +
- +
- We now know why one program is faster than the other. +
- +
- <​note>​ +
- If we want to go more in depth to find what code generated an event we can still use Process Monitor. +
-  - Go to Options → Configure Symbols. Here you can configure the path for the symbols and the source code. +
-  - Now we can double click on events like CreateFile and check the code by going to the Stack tab and clicking on an entry from our program. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
-== Task B - Investigating a Handle Leak == +
- <​note warning>​ +
- For this task we will use //​**bad.exe**//​ and //​**good.exe**//​ inside the //​**Task-03/​Task-B**//​ folder. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- Both executables have the same outcome. +
- The difference is their running time. +
- +
- :!**Identify the problem. Hint: Process Monitor** +
- +
- <​spoiler>​ +
- A handle leak consists of a process that opens files and does not close them. +
- On modern computers if this action is performed millions of times, the system may become unresponsive and will either experience an overall slowdown or the application that causes this will eventually crash. +
- +
- You may think that millions of handles are impossible to reach, so it is not worth paying attention to this problem. +
- ​However,​ imagine that there are services running on servers for years. +
- As an example, having a handle leak every 2 seconds amounts for over 10 million handle leaks in a year. +
- +
- How should such problems be investigated?​ +
- </​spoiler>​ +
- +
- <​note tip> +
- Open up a terminal and run bad.exe. Check out the Details tab in Task Manager after adding the Handles column. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
-==== 04. Process Explorer ==== +
- <​note warning>​ +
- For this task we will use //​**HandleLeak.exe**//​ inside the //​**Task-04**//​ folder. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- We want to check what is wrong with this HandleLeak.exe program (ignore its name :-)). +
- For Task Manager, on the Details tab add the Handles column. +
- +
- Run the program, search for it inside Task Manager, and look at the Handles column. +
- The number of handles keeps growing. This is clearly a problem. +
- +
- :!: **How do we investigate it?** +
- +
- <​note tip> +
-  - Run Process Explorer as administrator. It is similar to Task Manager. +
-  - Select the process you are interested in (HandleLeak) and press Ctrl + H. This will display all open Handles of the process. +
-  - Notice that the leak happens on the leak.txt file. +
-  - To find out more exact information about what causes this we will have to use Process Monitor with a filter for HandleLeak.exe. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
-==== 05. Windows API ==== +
- <​note warning>​ +
- For this task we will use the project skeleton inside the //​**Task-05**//​ folder. +
- </​note>​ +
-   +
- :!: We want to create a simple Console Task Manager with [[https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​win32/​psapi/​psapi-functions | functions from PSAPI]]. +
- +
- This simple Task Manager will print two CSV tables. +
- The first will contain system information provided by PSAPI. +
- The second will print memory information for accesible process and its name. +
- +
- **We want to print information in kB instead of bytes for processes**. +
- +
- <​note tip> +
- This list of functions from PSAPI should catch your eye: +
-  * [[https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​win32/​api/​psapi/​nf-psapi-getperformanceinfo | GetPerformanceInfo]] +
-  * [[https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​win32/​api/​psapi/​nf-psapi-enumprocesses | EnumProcesses]] +
-  * [[https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​win32/​api/​psapi/​nf-psapi-getprocessimagefilenamea | GetProcessImageFileNameA]] +
-  * [[https://​docs.microsoft.com/​en-us/​windows/​win32/​api/​psapi/​nf-psapi-getprocessmemoryinfo | GetProcessMemoryInfo]] +
- ​Follow the hints inside the skeleton to see how you will put them all together. +
- </​note>​ +
- +
- If everything goes smoothly you should see these two csv tables in your console: +
-== System Data == +
- <​code>​ +
- ​CommitTotal,​ CommitLimit,​ CommitPeak, PhysicalTotal,​ PhysicalAvailable,​ SystemCache,​ KernelTotal,​ KernelPaged,​ KernelNonpaged,​ PageSize, HandleCount,​ ProcessCount,​ ThreadCount +
- ​783370,​ 3211133, 876957, 1572733, 905287, 917590, 110538, 65666, 44872, 4096, 55952, 150, 1401 +
- </​code>​ +
- +
-== Process Data == +
- <​code>​ +
- ​ProcessName,​ PageFaultCount,​ PeakWorkingSetSize,​ WorkingSetSize,​ QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage,​ QuotaPagedPoolUsage,​ QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage,​ QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage,​ PagefileUsage,​ PeakPagefileUsage +
- ​sihost.exe,​ 11355, 24620, 14116, 250, 235, 19, 17, 5812, 6180 +
- ​svchost.exe,​ 17407, 16264, 8996, 160, 160, 14, 14, 5104, 5480 +
- ​svchost.exe,​ 17702, 29644, 15852, 278, 264, 26, 20, 6448, 7312 +
- ​taskhostw.exe,​ 9978, 16236, 9260, 183, 179, 30, 28, 6580, 7140 +
- ​explorer.exe,​ 363502, 143464, 116820, 1189, 1073, 124, 102, 62260, 85940 +
- ​svchost.exe,​ 13452, 20052, 15104, 238, 235, 16, 16, 3956, 4112 +
- ​StartMenuExperienceHost.exe,​ 24412, 65908, 22660, 574, 536, 32, 27, 19304, 23456 +
- ​RuntimeBroker.exe,​ 12519, 25888, 6088, 254, 213, 20, 16, 5320, 7440 +
- ​SearchUI.exe,​ 219211, 230984, 196976, 1070, 989, 119, 107, 140180, 155912 +
- ​RuntimeBroker.exe,​ 54907, 48524, 45580, 533, 440, 42, 32, 19536, 22592 +
- ​SkypeApp.exe,​ 13196, 42504, 7800, 453, 453, 37, 37, 14156, 14216 +
- ​SkypeBackgroundHost.exe,​ 3378, 11908, 1320, 124, 124, 8, 8, 2004, 2176 +
- ​RuntimeBroker.exe,​ 15080, 20336, 11592, 256, 193, 20, 15, 3340, 4936 +
- ​SecurityHealthSystray.exe,​ 2742, 8808, 2256, 149, 144, 10, 9, 1736, 1896 +
- ​vmtoolsd.exe,​ 66129, 39368, 28588, 316, 302, 30, 29, 19000, 30292 +
- ​OneDrive.exe,​ 26632, 73076, 23408, 527, 506, 67, 48, 21124, 34376 +
- ​RuntimeBroker.exe,​ 5798, 16256, 3384, 173, 162, 12, 11, 2440, 3088 +
- ​svchost.exe,​ 3619, 12040, 3236, 153, 152, 15, 14, 2940, 3304 +
- ​MyTaskManager.exe,​ 893, 3256, 3104, 26, 26, 5, 4, 1336, 1336 +
- ​msvsmon.exe,​ 5289, 20004, 20000, 464, 464, 14, 14, 141756, 141756 +
- ... +
- </​code>​ +
- +
-==== 06. Feedback ==== +
- :!: Please take a minute to fill in the **[[https://​forms.gle/​KHMVUhNfCPoR71Ew7 | feedback form]]** for this lab. +
- {{ :​ep:​laboratoare:​ep4_logo_bitd2.png?​300 |}} +
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