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ep:labs:05 [2020/11/10 16:34]
ioan_adrian.cosma [Python Scientific Computing]
ep:labs:05 [2020/11/10 16:44] (current)
ioan_adrian.cosma [Python Scientific Computing Resources]
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-===== Contents ===== 
-===== Python Scientific Computing =====+===== Python Scientific Computing ​Resources ​=====
 In this lab, we will study a new library in python that offers fast, memory efficient manipulation of vectors, matrices and tensors: **numpy**. We will also study basic plotting of data using the most popular data visualization libraries in the python ecosystem: **matplotlib**. ​ In this lab, we will study a new library in python that offers fast, memory efficient manipulation of vectors, matrices and tensors: **numpy**. We will also study basic plotting of data using the most popular data visualization libraries in the python ecosystem: **matplotlib**. ​
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 Python is very easy to use, but the downside is that it's not fast at numerical computing. Luckily, we have very eficient libraries for all our use-cases. Python is very easy to use, but the downside is that it's not fast at numerical computing. Luckily, we have very eficient libraries for all our use-cases.
-Core computing libraries+**Core computing libraries**
   * numpy and scipy: scientific computing   * numpy and scipy: scientific computing
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 We also have advanced interactive environments:​ We also have advanced interactive environments:​
-  * Ipython: advanced python console+  * IPython: advanced python console
   * Jupyter: notebooks in the browser   * Jupyter: notebooks in the browser
 There are many more scientific libraries available. There are many more scientific libraries available.
-===== Tutorial ===== 
-{{namespace>​:ep:​labs:​05:​contents:​tutorial&​nofooter&​noeditbutton}}+Check out these cheetsheets for fast reference to the common libraries:
 +**Cheat sheets:**
 +  - [[https://​perso.limsi.fr/​pointal/​_media/​python:​cours:​mementopython3-english.pdf)|python]]
 +  - [[https://​s3.amazonaws.com/​assets.datacamp.com/​blog_assets/​Numpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdf|numpy]]
 +  - [[https://​s3.amazonaws.com/​assets.datacamp.com/​blog_assets/​Python_Matplotlib_Cheat_Sheet.pdf|matplotlib]]
 +  - [[https://​s3.amazonaws.com/​assets.datacamp.com/​blog_assets/​Scikit_Learn_Cheat_Sheet_Python.pdf|sklearn]]
 +  - [[https://​github.com/​pandas-dev/​pandas/​blob/​master/​doc/​cheatsheet/​Pandas_Cheat_Sheet.pdf|pandas]]
 +  - [[https://​stanford.edu/​~shervine/​teaching/​cs-229/​refresher-probabilities-statistics|Probabilities & Stats Refresher]]
 +  - [[https://​stanford.edu/​~shervine/​teaching/​cs-229/​refresher-algebra-calculus|Algebra]]
 +<​note>​This lab is organized in a Jupyer Notebook hosted on Google Colab. You will find there some intuitions and applications for numpy and matplotlib. Check out the Tasks section below.</​note>​
 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
ep/labs/05.1605018865.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/11/10 16:34 by ioan_adrian.cosma
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