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ep:labs:04:contents:tasks:ex2 [2021/10/05 12:58]
radu.mantu [02. [??p] Network Exploration]
ep:labs:04:contents:tasks:ex2 [2023/10/29 20:47] (current)
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-==== 02. [??p] Network Exploration ====+==== 02. [30p] Network Exploration ====
-=== [??p] Task A - ARP vs ICMP ===+=== [10p] Task A - ARP vs ICMP ===
 The [[https://​datatracker.ietf.org/​doc/​html/​rfc826|Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)]] resolves layer 2 addresses (MAC) from layer 3 addresses (e.g.: IP). Normally, all hosts are compelled to reply to ARP requests, but this can be fiddled with using tools such as **arptables**. You can show the currently known neighbors using **iproute2**. The [[https://​datatracker.ietf.org/​doc/​html/​rfc826|Address Resolution Protocol (ARP)]] resolves layer 2 addresses (MAC) from layer 3 addresses (e.g.: IP). Normally, all hosts are compelled to reply to ARP requests, but this can be fiddled with using tools such as **arptables**. You can show the currently known neighbors using **iproute2**.
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 </​solution>​ </​solution>​
-=== [??p] Task B - nmap vs traceroute ===+=== [20p] Task B - nmap vs traceroute ===
 **nmap** is a network exploration tool and a port scanner. Today, we will look only at a specific functionality that it shares with the **traceroute** utility. **nmap** is a network exploration tool and a port scanner. Today, we will look only at a specific functionality that it shares with the **traceroute** utility.
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   * uses ICMP because we didn't perform a port scan first   * uses ICMP because we didn't perform a port scan first
 </​solution>​ </​solution>​
 +<note tip>
 +  * **permission denied** : make sure that **nmap** is not installed as a **snap**; you have two choices:
 +    * reinstall **nmap** with apt : ''​sudo snap remove nmap && sudo apt install nmap''​
 +    * grant **nmap** permissions : ''​snap connect nmap:​network-control'' ​
 If we do allow for a port scan by removing ''​-sn''​ (default is a TCP-based scan; use ''​-sU''​ for a UDP scan), this will take place //before// the actual traceroute. What changes does this bring? If we do allow for a port scan by removing ''​-sn''​ (default is a TCP-based scan; use ''​-sU''​ for a UDP scan), this will take place //before// the actual traceroute. What changes does this bring?
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 </​solution>​ </​solution>​
 +== Optional Task (... no, really) ==
 +When doing the TCP scan with **nmap**, you may have noticed a weird field in the TCP header: **Options**.
 +Generate some TCP traffic with **curl** and look at the SYN packet in **wireshark**. What options do you see there?
 +[[https://​www.firewall.cx/​networking-topics/​protocols/​tcp/​138-tcp-options.html|Here]] is a quick break down of the more common TCP options and how they are used to overcome protocol limitations and improve throughput. Take a quick look if you want, then move on. We'll dive deeper into protocol options in the next task.
ep/labs/04/contents/tasks/ex2.1633427907.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/05 12:58 by radu.mantu
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