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ep:labs:03:contents:tutorial:ex2 [2019/10/13 17:56]
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-==== 02. [10p] Iostat ==== 
-=== [5p] Good to know === 
-#iostat [ -x for extended statistics, -d to display device stastistics only, -m for displaying r/w in MB/s ] 
-iostat -xdm 
-#iostat with -p for specific device statistics 
-iostat -xdm -p sda 
-=== [5p] Monitoring the behaviour === 
-  * Run //iostat -x 1 5//. 
-  * Considering the last two outputs provided by the previous command, calculate the efficiency of IOPS for each of them. Does the amount of data written per I/O increase or decrease? 
-How to's 
-  * Divide the kilobytes read (//rkB/s//) and written (//wkB/s//) per second by the reads per second (//r/s//) and the writes per second (//w/s//). 
-  * If you happen to have quite a few [[https://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Loop_device|loop devices]] in your **iostat** output, find out what they are exactly: 
-<code bash> 
-$ df -kh /dev/loop* 
-<​solution -hidden> 
-The way to calculate the efficiency of IOPS is to divide the reads per second //(r/s)// and writes per second //(w/s)// by the kilobytes read //(rkB/s)// and written //(wkB/s)// per second. 
-Example: the amount of data written per I/O for ///​dev/​sda//​ increases during each iteration: 
-{{ :​ep:​labs:​ep2017_l3_ex01.png?​700 |}} 
-53040/105 = 505KB per I/O 
-71152/102 = 697KB per I/O 
-If everything is zero in iostat - perform some I/O operations... 
ep/labs/03/contents/tutorial/ex2.1570978568.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/10/13 17:56 by emilian.radoi
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