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ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex6 [2023/10/21 17:20]
andrei.mirciu [04. [30p] Perf & fuzzing]
ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex6 [2023/10/21 17:43] (current)
andrei.mirciu [04. [30p] Perf & fuzzing]
Line 110: Line 110:
 <​note>​ <​note>​
-Steps:+How to do:
   - Clone the following git repo: https://​github.com/​brendangregg/​FlameGraph.   - Clone the following git repo: https://​github.com/​brendangregg/​FlameGraph.
   - Use the **stackcollapse-perf.pl** Perl script to convert the //​perf.data//​ output into a suitable format (it folds the perf-script output into one line per stack, with a count of the number of times each stack was seen).   - Use the **stackcollapse-perf.pl** Perl script to convert the //​perf.data//​ output into a suitable format (it folds the perf-script output into one line per stack, with a count of the number of times each stack was seen).
Line 116: Line 116:
   - Open in any browser the interactive SVG graph obtained and inspect it.   - Open in any browser the interactive SVG graph obtained and inspect it.
-More details can also be found [[https://​www.brendangregg.com/​FlameGraphs/​cpuflamegraphs.html|here]].+More details can also be found [[https://​www.brendangregg.com/​FlameGraphs/​cpuflamegraphs.html|here]] and [[https://​gitlab.com/​gitlab-com/​runbooks/​-/​blob/​v2.220.2/​docs/​tutorials/​how_to_use_flamegraphs_for_perf_profiling.md|here]].
 </​note>​ </​note>​
ep/labs/03/contents/tasks/ex6.1697898034.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/10/21 17:20 by andrei.mirciu
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