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ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex5 [2020/08/05 20:45]
gheorghe.petre2608 [05. [20p] Multitool Comparison]
ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex5 [2022/10/24 00:11] (current)
andrei.mirciu [03. [30p] RAM disk]
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-==== 05. [20pMultitool Comparison ​==== +==== 03. [30pRAM disk ====
-Now we will see in a slightly different approach, with a source file and a final file of the same size, how the I/O mechanisms work as they are implemented by the compiler to be optimized.+
-**Nu cred ca are sens chestia astaPutem sa lasam direct cele 2 task-uri.**+Linux allows you to use part of your RAM as a block device, viewing it as a hard disk partition. The advantage of using a RAM disk is the **extremely low latency** (even when compared to SSDs). The disadvantage is that all contents will be lost after a reboot.  
 +<note tip> 
 +There are two main types of RAM disks: 
 +  * **ramfs** - cannot be limited in size and will continue to grow until you run out of RAMIts size can not be determined precisely with tools like **df**. Instead, you have to estimate it by looking at the "​cached"​ entry from **free**'​s output. 
 +  * **tmpfs** ​newer than **ramfs**. Can set a size limit. Behaves exactly like a hard disk partition but can't be monitored through conventional means (i.e. **iostat**). Size can be precisely estimated using **df**. 
 +=== [15p] Task A - Create RAM Disk ===
 +Before getting started, let's find out the file system that our root partition uses. Run the following command (T - print file system type, h - human readable):
-(Modify the script so that it reads one line at a time from the file with the novel from the previous exercise, and writes it in a resulting file 500 times eachFollow the process with a classic tool (vmstat, iostat)Why most of the time the number of **bytes read** is **0**?+<code bash> 
 +$ df -Th 
 +The result should look like this: 
 +Filesystem ​    ​Type ​     Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on 
 +udev           ​devtmpfs ​ 1.1G     ​0 ​ 1.1G   0% /dev 
 +tmpfs          tmpfs     ​214M ​ 3.8M  210M   2% /run 
 +/​dev/​sda1 ​     ext4      218G  4.1G  202G   2% / <- root partition 
 +tmpfs          tmpfs     ​1.1G ​ 252K  1.1G   1% /dev/shm 
 +tmpfs          tmpfs     ​5.0M ​ 4.0K  5.0M   1% /run/lock 
 +tmpfs          tmpfs     ​1.1G ​    ​0 ​ 1.1G   0% /​sys/​fs/​cgroup 
 +/​dev/​sda2 ​     ext4      923M   ​73M ​ 787M   9% /boot 
 +/​dev/​sda4 ​     ext4      266G   ​62M ​ 253G   1% /home 
-TODO COSMIN: Aici pui un hidden script cu rezolvarea pt asistenti cum e la 4, in python o puiverifica sa fie astfel incat sa tina linia in RAM.)+From the resultswe will assume ​in the following commands that the file system is **ext4**. If it's not your casejust replace with what you have:
-=== [10p] Task A - Different tool, same I/O === 
-For more special situations, a classic tool is not enough as long as we want to have a more detailed analysis of the behavior of I/O mechanisms. 
-An example would be to create an infinite loop that **copies endlessly** (simulation of a demanding process for a long time) a **large file** (use one of the files obtained previously). 
-Put the command below in a script: 
 <code bash> <code bash>
-while true; do cp original_file1 copied_file2;​ done+sudo mkdir /​mnt/​ramdisk 
 +$ sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=1G ext4 /​mnt/​ramdisk
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-Use several special monitoring tools for I/O to investigate the state of the system. +<​note>​ 
- +If you want the RAM disk to persist after a reboot, ​you can add the following line to ///etc/​fstab//​. Remember that its contents will still be lost.
-Choose 3-4 from here: +
-[[https://​www.golinuxcloud.com/​monitor-disk-io-performance-statistics-linux/​]] +
- +
-=== [10p] Task B - Plot of Comparison === +
- +
-Plot a graph with the results obtained with iostat, iotop and one of the previously chosen tools. Interpret the graph and the values obtained using those tools. +
-<​note>​  +
-  * basic plot +
-  * the values used should represent the same metric (eg: kb written per second) +
-  * you can take the values manually or automatically +
-  * standardize the values (kb/s) +
-  * preferably use the matplotlib module in python+
 +tmpfs     /​mnt/​ramdisk ​    ​tmpfs ​    ​rw,​nodev,​nosuid,​size=1G ​    ​0 ​ 0
 </​note>​ </​note>​
-<​solution -hidden>​ +That's it. We just created a 1Gb **tmpfs** ramdisk with an **ext4** file system and mounted it at ///mnt/​ramdisk//​. Use **df** again to check this yourself.
-<code python>​ +
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt+=== [15p] Task B - Pipe View & RAM Disk ===
 +As we mentioned before, you can't get I/O statistics regarding **tmpfs** since it is not a real partition. One solution to this problem is using **pv** to monitor the progress of data transfer through a pipe. This is a valid approach only if we consider the disk I/O being the bottleneck.
-def main(): +Nextwe will generate 512Mb of random data and place it in ///​mnt/​ramdisk/​file//​ first and then in ///​home/​student/​file//​. The transfer is done using **dd** with 2048-byte blocks.
-    level = list(range(5)) +
-    iostat = [1253816918, 22001, 24112, 28796] +
-    iotop = [22138, 20111, 28011, 20819, 27940] +
-    nmon = [24912, 29112, 28091, 27812, 29012]+
-    # plot data +<code bash> 
-    fig, axs plt.subplots()+$ pv /​dev/​urandom | dd of=/​mnt/​ramdisk/​rand ​ bs=2048 count=$((512 * 1024 * 1024 / 2048)
 +$ pv /​dev/​urandom | dd of=/​home/​student/​rand bs=2048 count=$((512 * 1024 * 1024 / 2048)) 
-    axs.plot(level, iotop, '​bo-'​) +Look at the elapsed time and average transfer speedWhat conclusion can you draw?
-    axs.plot(level,​ iostat, '​ro-'​) +
-    axs.plot(level,​ nmon, '​go-'​)+
-    axs.set_xticks(level) +:!: Put one screenshot with the tmpfs partition in df output and one screenshot of both pv commands and write your conclusion.
-    axs.grid(True,​ which='​both'​)+
-    axs.set_xlabel('​Time [ms]') 
-    axs.set_ylabel('​Write [Kb/​s]'​) 
-    plt.show() 
-if __name__ == '​__main__':​ 
-    main() 
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