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ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex5 [2020/08/03 16:16]
cristian.marin0805 [05. [xp] Ex nou]
ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex5 [2022/10/24 00:11] (current)
andrei.mirciu [03. [30p] RAM disk]
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-==== 05. [20p] Multitool Comparison ==== +==== 03. [30p] RAM disk ====
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-=== [10p] Task A - Different tool, same I/O === +
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-=== [10p] Task B - Plot of Comparison === +
-==== 06. [30p] RAM disk ====+
 Linux allows you to use part of your RAM as a block device, viewing it as a hard disk partition. The advantage of using a RAM disk is the **extremely low latency** (even when compared to SSDs). The disadvantage is that all contents will be lost after a reboot. ​ Linux allows you to use part of your RAM as a block device, viewing it as a hard disk partition. The advantage of using a RAM disk is the **extremely low latency** (even when compared to SSDs). The disadvantage is that all contents will be lost after a reboot. ​
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 Look at the elapsed time and average transfer speed. What conclusion can you draw? Look at the elapsed time and average transfer speed. What conclusion can you draw?
 +:!: Put one screenshot with the tmpfs partition in df output and one screenshot of both pv commands and write your conclusion.
ep/labs/03/contents/tasks/ex5.1596460560.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/03 16:16 by cristian.marin0805
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