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ep:labs:03:contents:tasks:ex4 [2020/10/25 16:44]
cristian.marin0805 [04. [20p] Monitor I/O with vmstat and iostat]
— (current)
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-==== 04. [20p] Monitor I/O with vmstat and iostat ==== 
-We said in the beginning that the disk I/O subsystems are the slowest part of any system. This is why the I/O monitoring is so important, maximizing the performance of the slowest part of a system resulting in an improvement of the performance of the entire system. 
-=== [10p] Task A - Script === 
-Write a script that reads the data into memory and generates a text file 500 times larger, by concatenating the contents of the following novel {{:​ep:​labs:​olivertwist.txt|olivertwist.txt}} to itself. 
-<​solution -hidden> 
-if __name__ == '​__main__':​ 
-    text_file1 = open("​OliverTwist.txt",​ "​r"​) 
-    text_file2 = open("​OliverTwistLarge.txt",​ "​w+"​) 
-    lines_file1 = text_file1.readlines() 
-    for x in range(0, 500): 
-    text_file2.writelines(lines_file1) 
-=== [10p] Task B - Monitoring behaviour === 
-Now we want to analyze what is happening with the I/O subsystem during an expensive operation. Monitor the behavior of the system while running your script using **vmstat** and **iostat**. 
-<note tip> 
-Understanding vmstat IO section: 
-  * **bi** - column reports the number of blocks received (or “blocks in”) from a disk per second. 
-  * **bo** - column reports the number of blocks sent (“blocks out”) to a disk per second. 
-:!: :!: Add a picture with the script alongside the terminal with the vmstat/​iostat output while the script is running. 
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