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04. [20p] Monitor I/O with vmstat and iostat

We said in the beginning that the disk I/O subsystems are the slowest part of any system. This is why the I/O monitoring is so important, maximizing the performance of the slowest part of a system resulting in an improvement of the performance of the entire system.

[10p] Task A - Script

Write a script that reads the data into memory and generates a text file 500 times larger, by concatenating the contents of the following novel olivertwist.txt to itself.

vmstat - IO: - bi: Blocks received from a block device. The number of data blocks used to swap virtual memory back into RAM. - bo: Blocks sent to a block device. The number of data blocks used to swap virtual memory out of RAM and into swap space.

[10p] Task B - Monitoring behaviour

Now we want to analyze what is happening with the I/O subsystem during an expensive operation. Monitor the behavior of the system while running your script using vmstat and iostat.

ep/labs/03/contents/tasks/ex1.1596130439.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/07/30 20:33 by gheorghe.petre2608
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