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ep:labs:02:contents:tasks:ex3 [2022/09/13 11:55]
radu.mantu [03. [30p] Kernel Samepage Merging]
ep:labs:02:contents:tasks:ex3 [2022/09/13 11:58] (current)
radu.mantu [03. [30p] Kernel Samepage Merging]
Line 50: Line 50:
 The result should look something like **Figure 1**: The result should look something like **Figure 1**:
-{{:​ep:​labs:​02:​contents:​tasks:​ksm_vmstat.png?​700|}} ​|+{{:​ep:​labs:​02:​contents:​tasks:​ksm_vmstat.png?​700|}}
 <​html><​center>​ <​html><​center>​
 <​b>​Figure 1:</​b>​ <​b>​vmstat</​b>​ output during the execution of our sample program (unit of measure: MB). The free memory steadily decreases from a baseline value of ~4.5GB to a minimum of ~2.5GB after the process starts. As <​b>​ksmd</​b>​ begins scanning and merging pages, the free memory steadily increases. When the process eventually terminates, the amount of free memory reverts to its initial value. <​b>​Figure 1:</​b>​ <​b>​vmstat</​b>​ output during the execution of our sample program (unit of measure: MB). The free memory steadily decreases from a baseline value of ~4.5GB to a minimum of ~2.5GB after the process starts. As <​b>​ksmd</​b>​ begins scanning and merging pages, the free memory steadily increases. When the process eventually terminates, the amount of free memory reverts to its initial value.
ep/labs/02/contents/tasks/ex3.1663059344.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2022/09/13 11:55 by radu.mantu
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