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ep:labs:01:contents:tasks:ex4 [2023/11/14 10:38]
ep:labs:01:contents:tasks:ex4 [2023/11/14 12:51] (current)
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   * **Port 6:** integer and branch operations   * **Port 6:** integer and branch operations
   * **Port 7:** AGU   * **Port 7:** AGU
 +The the significance of the SKL ports reported by **llvm-mca** can be found in the [[https://​github.com/​llvm/​llvm-project/​blob/​d9be232191c1c391a0d665e976808b2a12ea98f1/​llvm/​lib/​Target/​X86/​X86SchedSkylakeClient.td#​L32|Skylake machine model config]]. To find out if your CPU belongs to this category, [[https://​github.com/​llvm/​llvm-project/​blob/​27c5a9bbb01a464bb85624db2d0808f30de7c996/​llvm/​lib/​TargetParser/​Host.cpp#​L765|RTFS]] and run an ''​inxi -Cx''​.
 </​note>​ </​note>​
ep/labs/01/contents/tasks/ex4.1699951113.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/11/14 10:38 by radu.mantu
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