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ep:labs:01:contents:ex2 [2019/09/20 10:09]
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-==== 02. [20p] Mpstat ==== 
-Open {{:​ep:​labs:​fact_rcrs.zip|fact_rcrs.zip}} and look at the code. 
-=== [10p] Task A - Python recursion depth === 
-Try to run the script while passing 1000 as a command line argument. Why does it crash? 
-Luckily, python allows you to both retrieve the current recursion limit //and// set a new value for it. Increase the recursion limit so that the process will never crash, regardless of input (assume that it still has a reasonable upper bound). 
-=== [10p] Task B - CPU affinity === 
-Run the script again, this time passing 10000. Use **mpstat** to monitor the load on each //​individual//​ CPU at 1s intervals. The one with close to 100% load will be the one running our script. Note that the process might be passed around from one core to another. 
-Stop the process. Use **stress** to create N-1 CPU workers, where N is the number of cores on your system. Use **taskset** to set the CPU affinity of the N-1 workers and then run the script again. You should notice that the process is scheduled on cpu0. 
-<​solution -hidden> 
-**Task A:** 
-<code python> 
-import sys 
-N = int(sys.argv[1]) 
-**Task B:** 
-Start N-1 worker threads on cpu[1] - cpu[N-1]. Leave cpu[0] unused for when we run the script. 
-<code bash> 
-$ taskset 0xfe stress -c $(( $(nproc) - 1 )) 
ep/labs/01/contents/ex2.1568963396.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2019/09/20 10:09 by radu.mantu
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