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ep:labs:01:contents:ex1 [2019/09/18 16:18]
radu.mantu created
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-==== 01. [10p] Vmstat ==== 
-The **vmstat** utility provides a good low-overhead view of system performance. Since **vmstat** is such a low-overhead tool, it is practical to have it running even on heavily loaded servers when it is needed to monitor the system’s health. 
-=== [5p] Task A - Monitoring stress === 
-Run **vmstat** on your machine with a 1 second delay between updates. Notice the CPU utilization (info about the output columns [[https://​medium.com/​@damianmyerscough/​vmstat-explained-83b3e87493b3|here]]). 
-In another terminal, use the **stress** command to start N CPU workers, where N is the number of cores on your system. 
-Do not pass the number directly. In stead, use command substitution. 
-=== [5p] Task B - How does it work? === 
-Let us look at how **vmstat** works under the hood. We can assume that all these statistics (memory, swap, etc.) can not be normally gathered in userspace. So how does **vmstat** get these values from the kernel? Or rather, how does any process interact with the kernel? Most obvious answer: //**system calls**//. 
-<code bash> 
-$ strace vmstat 
-"All well and good. But what am I looking at?" 
-What you //should// be looking at are the system calls after the two **write**s that display the output header (hint: it has to do with **/proc/** file system). So. what are these files that **vmstat** opens? 
-<code bash> 
-$ file /​proc/​meminfo 
-$ cat /​proc/​meminfo 
-$ man 5 proc 
-The manual should contain enough information about what these kernel interfaces can provide. However, if you are interested in //how// the kernel generates the statistics in **/​proc/​meminfo** (for example), a good place to start would be [[https://​elixir.bootlin.com/​linux/​v4.15/​source/​fs/​proc/​meminfo.c|meminfo.c]] (but first, [[https://​ocw.cs.pub.ro/​courses/​so2|SO2 wiki]]). 
-<​solution -hidden> 
-**Task A:**\\ 
-<code bash> 
-$ vmstat -w -n 1 
-$ stress -c $(nproc) 
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