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sred:lab3 [2021/11/12 21:29]
horia.stoenescu [Setup]
sred:lab3 [2022/10/28 14:21] (current)
horia.stoenescu [Setup]
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 <note tip> <note tip>
-[[https://​curs.upb.ro/​2021/​pluginfile.php/​394011/​mod_resource/​content/​1/sred_lab3_ftd_updated.pdf|Here]] you can find the presentation for lab3. There is made the transition from CBAC/ZBF to a firewall solution (consisting in basic scenarios like permitting traffic from inside to outside, filtering urls, and applications).+[[https://​curs.upb.ro/​2022/​pluginfile.php/​364637/​mod_resource/​content/​2/lab3_ftd.pdf|Here]] you can find the presentation for lab3. There is made the transition from CBAC/ZBF to a firewall solution (consisting in basic scenarios like permitting traffic from inside to outside, filtering urls, and applications).
 </​note>​ </​note>​
sred/lab3.1636745366.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/11/12 21:29 by horia.stoenescu
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