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sde2:teme:tema_fr_3_rust [2022/04/26 11:17]
sde2:teme:tema_fr_3_rust [2023/05/14 20:30] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Tema Rustyloader ======+====== Tema Rustyloader ======
 ===== Informatii ===== ===== Informatii =====
 <note important>​ <note important>​
-Date limite: ** Le 10 mai, 23h59 ** \\+Date limite: ** Le 30 mai, 23h59 ** \\
 Note: ** 2 points ** de la note \\ Note: ** 2 points ** de la note \\
-Lien: [[https://​classroom.github.com/​a/​NenM8B_7|Devoir ​3]] \\+Lien: [[https://​classroom.github.com/​a/​5CBIdgHi|Devoir ​4]] \\
 Télécharger en retard: **2 points / jour** (maximum 4 jours)\\ Télécharger en retard: **2 points / jour** (maximum 4 jours)\\
 </​note>​ </​note>​
sde2/teme/tema_fr_3_rust.1650961065.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/26 11:17 by alexandru.radovici
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