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Security in Cluster and Grid Computing


Time Table

Day/Hour Room
Tuesday, 18-20 PR002
Day Hour Room Assistent
Tuesday 20-22 EG106 Alex Carp
Wednesday 18-20 EG106 Alex Carp
  • SCGC Course Team wishes you Welcome! and Good Luck! in the new semester.
  • First SCGC course will take place on Tuesday, 20th of February 2018 at 18:00.
  • First SCGC laboratory session will take place on Tuesday/Wednesday, 27th/28th of February 2018 at 20:00/22:00.
  • To split-up on the two slots available for laboratory please access Laboratory semigroups. This can be edited only by course team. The first split-up will take place at the first course.
scgc.1519114419.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/20 10:13 by mihai.carabas
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