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scgc [2018/01/16 20:58] external edit
scgc [2021/09/29 23:50] (current)
maria.mihailescu [Team]
Line 1: Line 1:
 +====== Security in Cluster and Grid Computing ======
 +  * More internal information about this course (courses, grading, timetable) can be found on curs.upb.ro portal
 +  * [[https://​curs.upb.ro | Link curs.upb.ro]]
 +===== Team =====
 +  *[[mihai.carabas@cs.pub.ro | Mihai Carabaș]] - course
 +  *[[carpalex@gmail.com | Alex Carp]] - lab
 +  *[[maria.mihailescu@upb.ro | Elena Mihailescu]] - lab
 +  *[[darius.mihai@upb.ro | Darius Mihai]] - lab
 +  *[[sergiu.weisz@upb.ro | Sergiu Weisz]] - lab
scgc.1516129132.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/20 10:13 (external edit)
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