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Laboratory 08. Security: PKI, X.509, SSL, TLS

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol that provides communication security between a client and a server. Usually, the identity of the server is verified through a certificate. This certificate contains a public key, the identity of the server and a signature which verifies that the key belongs to the entity in the certificate.

A certificate is valid if it is signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA is considered trustworthy by the communication client. The client has access to the certificate of the CA, with which the signature in the certificate belonging to the server can be verified and, consequently, the identity of the server can be verified.

For the following exercises, the resources can be found in the laboratory archive:

$ wget --user=user-curs --ask-password
$ unzip


1. [10p] Inspecting and Verifying a Certificate

2. [10p] Secure Connection to a Server

3. [20p] Remotely Inspecting a Certificate

4. [20p] Generating and Inspecting a Certificate

5. [20p] Unencrypted Client/Server Communication

6. [20p] Client/Server Communication over SSL/TLS

7. [BONUS 20p] Configuring HTTPS for a Web Server

scgc/laboratoare/08.1525542314.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/05 20:45 by nicolae.ivan
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