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scgc:laboratoare:05 [2021/10/27 14:01]
scgc:laboratoare:05 [2021/10/27 19:18] (current)
maria.mihailescu [9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user]
Line 427: Line 427:
 ==== 9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user ==== ==== 9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user ====
-Create a new system group ''​kvm-users''​ and add the user ''​student''​ to this newly created group. Configure the system so that all the users that are in this group can start and manage KVM machines.+Create a new system group ''​kvm''​ and add the user ''​student''​ to this newly created group. Configure the system so that all the users that are in this group can start and manage KVM machines.
scgc/laboratoare/05.1635332500.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/27 14:01 by maria.mihailescu
CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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