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scgc:laboratoare:05 [2021/04/06 13:50]
maria.mihailescu [3. [10p] Add new resources to a KVM]
scgc:laboratoare:05 [2021/10/27 19:18] (current)
maria.mihailescu [9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user]
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-===== Laboratory 05. Native virtualization =====+===== Native virtualization =====
 ===== Lab Setup ===== ===== Lab Setup =====
-  * We will be using a virtual machine in the [[http://​cloud.curs.pub.ro/​|faculty'​s cloud]].+  * We will be using a virtual machine in the [[http://​cloud.grid.pub.ro/​|faculty'​s cloud]].
   * When creating a virtual machine follow the steps in this [[https://​cloud.curs.pub.ro/​about/​tutorial-for-students/​|tutorial]].   * When creating a virtual machine follow the steps in this [[https://​cloud.curs.pub.ro/​about/​tutorial-for-students/​|tutorial]].
   * When creating a virtual machine in the Launch Instance window:   * When creating a virtual machine in the Launch Instance window:
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 Notice the state of the virtual machines and its ID (in this case 3). The following operations will be issued using this ID. Notice the state of the virtual machines and its ID (in this case 3). The following operations will be issued using this ID.
-Display the VNC port of the ''​VM1''​ guest using the ''​vncdisplay''​ command followed ​bu the VM ID:+Display the VNC port of the ''​VM1''​ guest using the ''​vncdisplay''​ command followed ​by the VM ID:
 <code bash> <code bash>
 virsh # vncdisplay 3 virsh # vncdisplay 3
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 ==== 9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user ==== ==== 9. [5p] Running KVMs as an unprivileged user ====
-Create a new system group ''​kvm-users''​ and add the user ''​student''​ to this newly created group. Configure the system so that all the users that are in this group can start and manage KVM machines.+Create a new system group ''​kvm''​ and add the user ''​student''​ to this newly created group. Configure the system so that all the users that are in this group can start and manage KVM machines.
scgc/laboratoare/05.1617706246.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/04/06 13:50 by maria.mihailescu
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