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scgc:laboratoare:01 [2020/11/04 17:57]
darius.mihai [1. [15p] DNS resolvers]
scgc:laboratoare:01 [2021/10/27 14:07] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== ​Laboratory 01. Naming Services: DNS ======+====== Naming Services: DNS ======
 ===== Lab Setup ===== ===== Lab Setup =====
-  * We will be using two virtual machines in the [[http://​cloud.curs.pub.ro/​|faculty'​s cloud]]. +  * We will be using two virtual machines in the [[http://​cloud.grid.pub.ro/​|faculty'​s cloud]].
-  * When creating a virtual machine follow the steps in this [[https://​cloud.curs.pub.ro/​about/​tutorial-for-students/​|tutorial]].+
   * Create two VMs (one will be our DNS master server and one will be our DNS slave server)   * Create two VMs (one will be our DNS master server and one will be our DNS slave server)
   * When creating a virtual machine in the Launch Instance window:   * When creating a virtual machine in the Launch Instance window:
scgc/laboratoare/01.1604505466.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/04 17:57 by darius.mihai
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