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isc:labs:kernel:tasks:02 [2021/11/26 11:07]
isc:labs:kernel:tasks:02 [2022/10/08 22:05] (current)
radu.mantu [02. [??p] Kernel modules]
Line 6: Line 6:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ lsmod+[student@host]$ lsmod
 ecdh_generic ​          ​16384 ​ 1 bluetooth ecdh_generic ​          ​16384 ​ 1 bluetooth
-$ modinfo ecdh_generic | grep description+[student@host]$ modinfo ecdh_generic | grep description
 description: ​   ECDH generic algorithm description: ​   ECDH generic algorithm
-$ modinfo bluetooth | grep description ​+[student@host]$ modinfo bluetooth | grep description ​
 description: ​   Bluetooth Core ver 2.22 description: ​   Bluetooth Core ver 2.22
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 24: Line 24:
 Now, let's compile our module, upload it into the kernel, and see what happens: Now, let's compile our module, upload it into the kernel, and see what happens:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-$ make+[student@host]$ make
-$ sudo insmod test.ko +[student@host]$ sudo insmod test.ko 
-$ sudo dmesg+[student@host]$ sudo dmesg
 ... ...
 [ 6348.461247] my-first-module:​ Hello world! [ 6348.461247] my-first-module:​ Hello world!
-$ sudo rmmod test +[student@host]$ sudo rmmod test 
-$ sudo dmesg+[student@host]$ sudo dmesg
 ... ...
 [ 6348.461247] my-first-module:​ Hello world! [ 6348.461247] my-first-module:​ Hello world!
Line 176: Line 176:
 [root@guest]$ cat /​proc/​modules [root@guest]$ cat /​proc/​modules
 test 20480 1 - Loading 0xffffffffc0304000 (O+) test 20480 1 - Loading 0xffffffffc0304000 (O+)
 +In this case, the best course of action is to simply reboot, but if you want to risk it, just run ''​rmmod -f''​ to force unloading the module. Be warned that this is very dangerous. Also, if the module is still there after using the ''​-f''​ flag, make sure that //​CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD//​ was set at compile time.
 +<code bash>
 +# check if force unloading the module is an option
 +[root@guest]$ zcat /​proc/​config.gz | grep CONFIG_MODULE_FORCE_UNLOAD
 +# force unload the kernel module
 +[root@guest]$ rmmod -f test
 </​code>​ </​code>​
 </​note>​ </​note>​
isc/labs/kernel/tasks/02.1637917641.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/26 11:07 by radu.mantu
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