Lab 01 - Introduction


  • Simple CTF tasks
  • Introduction to Python scripting
  • Introduction to basic security-related tools

Useful Tools

  • man
  • find
  • base64
  • hexedit
  • Binwalk
  • john, zip2john
  • xxd
  • gzip, bzip2, tar


You may use the UPB's OpenStack cloud to spawn a Virtual Machine to be used for this lab! Read this guide.

Download the task archive for this section. Each exercise will have a corresponding folder.

Python Warmup

01. Decode 'til You Drop

  • One of your friends gave you this string which looks encoded… Figure out what encoding was used and decode it. Be patient, it may take a couple of decoding rounds :)

02. Zip it good

  • The archive contains the flag. What is the password?
    • Hint: the password is in the wordlist

CTF tasks

03. Find the impostor

  • The flag for this exercise is found in a file under the inhere directory. The file has the following properties:
    • human-readable
    • 987 bytes in size
    • not executable

04. Unknown File Type

  • We've found this file on a confiscated machine, but we can't figure what it is. Can you help us?

05. Corrupted File

  • During a transmission, one of our files got corrupted. Take a look and see if you can do something about it.

Maybe there is something wrong with the header.

  • Hint: use a hex editor to check the file's header

06. Hidden File

  • There is something wrong with the size of this image. Is there anything else there?
    • Hint: use Binwalk. ”-e” option is buggy sometimes.

07. Waiting for eternity

  • We stared at this gif for the last hour but nothing is happening. Would you like to join us and stare at it for the next hour?

08. The great file squeeze

  • You are being given a file which is a hexdump of the flag that has been repeatedly compressed. Reverse the process and get the flag :)
    • Hint: hexdump, man

09 [bonus]. Web Fuzzer

  • Start this task by opening a specific docker container on your VM:
    docker run -d -p 8080:80
  • You can now access a webserver on local port 8080 (try it with curl localhost:8080). Your task is to retrieve the hidden flag by trying all web paths inside the given wordlist (write your own fuzzer in Python, check the lab archive for resources!).
    • Hint: use the Python requests library to issue web requests! Check their HTTP status code to know when you successfully found an existing web file ;)


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