Practical Exam Guidelines

Organization (2024-2025):

  • Date: Saturday, 18 Jan 2025 09:00
  • Location: EC004, EC101, EC105 & EG301 (check gradebook / “Practic” column !!! )
  • Duration: 4 hours; you can leave whenever you wish, though you must notify an assistant (who will then deactivate your CTFd account & VM);
  • Prerequisites: Laptop with web browser (for CTFd scoreboard + Guacamole) + you must be able to authenticate with the university account!
  • Seating: no specific ordering, just to ensure adequate spacing: one empty desk between each student + middle row of each classroom should remain completely empty!
  • Power outlets: we will bring 20+ power strips of varying lengths, but it would help if some of you bring their own (especially if you have some with >4 receptacles to also help your colleagues 😇).

Basic Exam Workflow

  • You will use UPB Grid's Guacamole instance, where each student will have their own VM (based on the lab VM); you will need to authenticate with your UPB account to access it!
    • If you don't wish to use Guacamole's web-based SSH, simply use it once to input your own authorized keys, then use your preferred SSH client (make sure to jump-connect via!);
    • you should have all required CLI tools installed, no port forwarding required (even for the web / networking tasks – no GUI required);
  • We will host a CTFd instance (open source CTF scoreboard) at, where you will need to register an account on exam day (the password will only be given then!), read the VM MOTD below for instructions…
  • After registering to CTFd and connecting to your VM, you can run the exam preparation script (just once) and start hacking!

The exam is open-book, everything is permitted (including ChatGPT) except human2human conversations!


  • There will be 14 tasks of various difficulty levels, each will contain 1 flag;
  • For maximum grade, you will only need to solve 10 (ANY) of them (the rest are bonus, though it doesn't count towards your final grade!);
  • Challenges will be categorized jeopardy-style (e.g., crypto, binary, web, networking, misc) on the CTFd platform, which shall give you a hint of the methods to use to approach them;
    • Most categories will have an easy challenge and one difficultish one;
  • Each task will have a CTFd score (i.e. a number of in-game points) assigned, used for competition ranking BUT DOES NOT MATTER FOR YOUR GRADE (again: if you solve any 10 of them, you will receive 100%)!
    • The score is also helpful for determining a (somewhat subjective) difficulty level of the task; for example, we will use a starting score of 200 for easy challenges, a score of 400 for an average task and 600+ for difficult ones;
    • CTFd scores for the tasks will be diminished (by a little) as more users solve them, rewarding the speedy ones!
  • Also note this: you do not need to bruteforce your way in any challenge, and you don't have to leave your home directory (/home/student) for any of it!
    • Oh, and: you don't have root/sudo acces on the VM and if you think you need it, it is most certainly NOT the way to do it!


  • Start with the easy ones!
  • Set a countdown timer to 3-5 minutes; on expiration, move on to another task, repeat!
  • Use Google and man a lot! You can also scan the labs / remember what you did in your homework…
  • Periodically watch out for hints broadcasted via CTFd in-system notifications, if any ;)


  • The virtual machine will present you with this, make sure to read it (again):
## Welcome to the ISC CTF practical exam!         ##

Carefully READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS before getting started:

0. First, we hope you've seen this:

1. Create an account on the web-based CTFd platform:


   * use your UPB email (e.g. "" -- the domain is
     irrelevant, just the Moodle username counts!);
   * use whatever pseudonym you wish as username.

2. On this VM, run `sudo isc_prepare_exam MOODLE_USERNAME` (replace
   variable with your moodle username similar to the part before the '@'
   of the email above -- MANDATORY, otherwise the flags won't work)!

   After running the prepare command, you will find the custom tasks in
   `~/challenges/` subdirectory.

3. It would be a good idea to test that you have correctly filled in the same Moodle
   ID on the CTFd interface & prepare argument.

   For this, you can use the free flag from the `test` challenge and copy it to
   the CTFd platform. If everything went according to plan, it should be accepted 
   as the correct flag (but gives 0 points and doesn't count towards your final grade!)

   You should also practice copy+pasting on Guacamole:
   TLDR: press Ctrl+Shift+Alt to display the side menu, the same to close it!
   (ask the assistants for help if you can't find it)

   Note: ALL flags have the same format, "ISC{...}", and length (with some
   exceptions, e.g. `osint` & `hiddenports`)!

4. For each task tried / solved, please leave the scripts used behing on the VM.

   !!!IMPORTANT!!! For backup/safety reasons, you should also create a `flag.txt`
   file inside challenge directory to store it!

   We are not to be held responsible for any lost flags on CTFd! 
   (happened once :D )


If you read all of this, congratulations! triple click here: ISC{4lw3ys_r3d3h_f1n3_m4nu0l} DO NOT GIVE TO THE UNWORTHY WHO DID NOT RTFM! K?THX

isc/info/practical_exam.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/17 22:38 by florin.stancu
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