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01. [??p] Prerequisites

[??p] Task A - Dependencies installation

TODO: Ubuntu

[??p] Task B - Development environment

When developing new features for the kernel, chances are that you will screw up. Often. Depending on the severity, the kernel may or may not recover. So to avoid restarting your PC over and over, it's better to work in a minimal virtualized environment. As such, we will first bootstrap a loopback disk image with a basic Ubuntu system, but without the kernel. Eventually, we will boot a virtual macine with qemu-system-x86_64 from this disk image, with a custom kernel that we will build ourselves.

The bootstrapping and kernel building process may take a few (~15) minutes. Feel free to jump to Exercise 2 and come back once in a while to see if any progress was made. While Task A is doable on your live kernel, make sure to stop there. Task B is meant to generate errors and should be solved in the VM. For your sake :p


For the bootstrapping process, we will use debootstrap. This tool will download a Debian-based ecosystem and install it in whatever directory we tell it to. Incidentally, that directory will be the mount point of the disk image that we are going to create.

# create a 5GB empty file -- this will be our disk image
[student@host]$ qemu-img create images/ubuntu.raw 5G
# build an ext4 filesystem onto the disk image -- now we can mount it
[student@host]$ mkfs.ext4 images/ubuntu.raw
# mount the ext4 filesystem -- now we can copy files onto it
[student@host]$ sudo mount images/ubuntu.raw /mnt
# bootstrat the Ubuntu system
[student@host]$ sudo debootstrap --arch amd64 focal /mnt

Almost there… if you list the contents of /mnt/, you will see most of the usual entries from your root directory. At this point, we should be able to boot into this machine (if we had a kernel image), but we wouldn't be able to log in. The only thing that's left for us to do is set a password for the root user. For this, we need to trick the passwd tool to thing that /mnt/ is in fact the root of our filesystem. So we use chroot:

# pretend that /mnt/ is our new / and start a bash instance inside
[student@host]$ sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash
# change password for current user (root)
[   root@jail]$ passwd
New password: root
Retype new password: root
passwd: password updated successfully
# exit from this bash instance and escape from the chroot jail
[   root@jail]$ exit
# finally, unmount our disk -- we're done with it for now
[student@host]$ sudo umount /mnt

Kernel building

Next step is to get the kernel source code and compile it. By separating the kernel from the disk image, we are able to checkout to other branches / commits and test out different versions without installing them anywhere. Normally, you would have to select what options you want included in the compilation process (e.g.: memory allocators, cryptographic systems, etc.) by running make menuconfig. After finishing your selection and saving the configuration, a .config file would be created. Because we haven't the faintest idea what most of the things enumerated in that menu even are, we will rely on default configurations. One thing that is not part of the default configuration and will be useful later are debug symbols. Go through the following commands and refer to the GIF below when you'll be required to navigate the config menu.

# clone the linux kernel locally
[student@host]$ git clone --depth=1
# go into the repo directory
[student@host]$ pushd linux
# create a default configuration file (.config)
[student@host]$ make x86_64_defconfig kvm_guest.config
# manually enable debug symbols on top of current .config
# NOTE: refer to the GIF below
[student@host]$ make menuconfig
# optional: check out the generated .config file
[student@host]$ less .config
# compile the kernel using all cores
[student@host]$ make -j $(nproc) bzImage
# required for building out-of-tree modules -- see warning below
[student@host]$ make modules_prepare 
# return to the previous direcotry
[student@host]$ popd

Click GIF to maximize.

In kernel 5.10.x, a new feature was introduced. This feature crashed many build environments and if you follow older kernel development tutorials, you may encounter such an error when building out-of-tree kernel modules (which we'll also do later on):

make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'scripts/', needed by '...'.   Stop.
make[2]: *** [scripts/Makefile.modpost:140: __modpost] Error 2
make[1]: *** [Makefile:1761: modules] Error 2

The problem here is that a linker script is missing. Linker scripts are used by ld when combining object files into the final executable. Without it, the linker doesn't know where to place each section in the output binary. If the user does not supply one, ld uses a built-in script. Normally, this default script does its job well. So much so that most programmers never learn of its existence. The kernel, however, is a different kind of beast and needs some fine tuning during compilation. Before 5.10.x, there was a script that was used for module compilation. After 5.10.x, someone considered it a good idea to replace it with, which requires a bit of processing before obtaining Hence why we run $ make modules_prepare .

Booting up the virtual machine

We are finally here. Let's boot up the VM from our bootstrapped disk image, with our personally compiled Linux kernel.

$ sudo qemu-system-x86_64                            \
    -m 4G                                            \
    -smp 1                                           \
    -enable-kvm                                      \
    -kernel linux/arch/x86/boot/bzImage              \
    -drive file=images/ubuntu.raw,format=raw,index=0 \
    -append 'root=/dev/sda rw console=ttyS0'         \

Let us have a look at this command, line by line:

  1. -m 4G: allocate 4GB of memory (change this as you wish)
  2. -smp 1: use only 1 vCPU; this is recommended for debugging purposes
  3. -enable-kvm: KVM is a Linux kernel module that transforms your operating system intro a bare-metal hypervisor. This is what allows you to run actual virtual machines on Linux. Without it, qemu would try to emulate the system, resulting in worse performance.
  4. -kernel …/bzImage: this specifies the compiled & compressed kernel image to use when booting the virtual machine
  5. -drive … : specifies the disk image to load; note that index=0 will make the VM consider this to be /dev/sda. Adding another drive with index=1 will cause it to be regarded as /dev/sdb.
  6. -append …: these are command line arguments for the kernel (yes, even it has those). root=/dev/sda rw marks /dev/sda (i.e.: our Ubuntu.raw disk image) as the root device to be mounted onto the root directory (i.e.: /) in read-write mode. console=ttyS0 exposes an UART serial interface to the VM and tells Linux to use it for I/O.
  7. -nographic: tells qemu: not to open a separate window for the GUI. In stead, it will take the virtual serial device (which the VM will recognize as ttyS0) and link it to the terminal. So whatever the VM sends via the serial to be printed will end out in your stdout. Whatever you type into stdin will be forwarded to the VM as input.

If you have problems with the VM booting and you can't <Ctrl-C> out of it, try <Ctrl+A X> to signal qemu that is time to exit. Note that if you feel something odd happening with your terminal (e.g.: overlapping lines), you can run reset.

Under normal circumstances, exit the VM by running poweroff.

After starting the VM and logging in as root (with the password set earlier), try finding out the kernel version in both the host and guest operating systems:

# host has the latest Arch Linux kernel (you may have Ubuntu, etc.)
[student@host]$ uname -r
# guest has the newest Linux kernel release candidate
[  root@guest]$ uname -r

Note how we did not specify a network device to qemu. By default, SLiRP is used to provide network connectivity. If you've never heard of SLiRP, don't feel bad. It's a program that emulates Point-to-Protocol (PPP) using shell accounts and has become largely obsolete with the advent of dial-up modems (I kid you not). While it does provide TCP and UDP connectivity, note that ICMP packets will be dropped and your VM will not be discoverable; not even from your host.

The correct way of doing things would be creating a bridge (i.e.: a software layer-2 switch) with brctl, adding a network device to your VM via the -netdev flag, and attaching it to the newly created bridge. This is a bit overkill for our purpose today. If you ever need to create such a setup, there are plenty of resources available.

Although we said that you should have network access in your VM, there may be a chance that you don't have an IP address assigned. You may need to do this manually:

# list available interfaces (in a colorful fashion)
[root@guest]$ ip -c addr show
# send a DHCP request on your eth interface
[root@guest]$ dhclient eth0

isc/labs/kernel/tasks/01.1637838178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/25 13:02 by radu.mantu
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