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isc:labs:12 [2024/01/14 16:04]
isc:labs:12 [2024/01/14 16:04] (current)
florin.stancu [Exercises]
Line 73: Line 73:
 This laboratory can be solved using **Google Colab** (so you don't have to install all the stuff on your machines). You'll have a concrete scenario in which you must fill some **TODO**s and generate fancy adversarial samples for a DNN. This laboratory can be solved using **Google Colab** (so you don't have to install all the stuff on your machines). You'll have a concrete scenario in which you must fill some **TODO**s and generate fancy adversarial samples for a DNN.
-**Link to Google Colab:** https://​colab.research.google.com/​drive/​1FVgoq5C_7SEkNhHF6C4Huxhsgdv3e2uA?​usp=sharing +  ​* https://​colab.research.google.com/​drive/​1FVgoq5C_7SEkNhHF6C4Huxhsgdv3e2uA?​usp=sharing 
- +  * you'll have to clone / duplicate it in order to save changes.
-* you'll have to clone / duplicate it in order to save changes.+
isc/labs/12.1705241040.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/14 16:04 by florin.stancu
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