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isc:labs:09 [2023/12/10 16:56]
alexandru.ghita2611 [Tasks]
isc:labs:09 [2024/04/30 14:07] (current)
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 trick to accomplish this. trick to accomplish this.
-First, copy your private key from **fep** to your workstation (since +You should already have [[:isc:info:​virtualmachine|SSH keypair ​for authenticating with fep & OpenStack]]:​
-authentication with the VM will be realized from your PC) \\ +
-(//either do this, or assign ​key existing on your machine to your OpenStack +
-account and VM instance)//: +
-<code bash> +
-scp <​first.lastname>​@fep.grid.pub.ro:.ssh/id_rsa ~/​.ssh/​fep_rsa ​ # (for *nixes) +
-chmod 700 ~/​.ssh/​fep_rsa ​ # required on *nix systems +
-</​code>​ +
-Make sure to replace ''​id_rsa''​ from the remote server (fep) with your actual key name (if you didn't use the +
-default one). If you're on Windows / not WSL, please download the key to a path inside your home (last ''​scp''​ argument).+
-Connect to the VM using (**ssh on Linux / WSL**): +We will be using ''​ssh''​`s Local Port Forwarding feature, requesting it to pass all packets from ''​localhost:​8080'' ​through ​the SSH tunnel to the destination VM on ''​8080'':
-<code bash> +
-ssh -i <fep key path> -L "8080:localhost:​8080" -o 'ProxyCommand=ssh <​first.lastname>​@fep.grid.pub.ro -W %h:%p' ​student@10.9.X.Y +
-# after entering ​the password for fep and trusting ​the server's public key, +
-# you should see the 'student@host:​~$' ​prompt! +
-If you use **OpenSSH for Windows**, you must use the full path for ''​ProxyCommand'':​ 
 <code bash> <code bash>
-ssh -i <fep key path> ​-L "​8080:​localhost:​8080"​ -o "​ProxyCommand=C:​\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe ​<​first.lastname>​@fep.grid.pub.ro ​-W %h:​%p" ​student@10.9.X.Y+ssh -L "​8080:​localhost:​8080"​ -<​first.lastname>​@fep.grid.pub.ro student@10.9.X.Y
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-This uses //​fep.grid.pub.ro//​ as a proxy (''​-W''​ is stdin/​stdout forwarding),​ 
-successfully connecting to the SSH server running on the OpenStack VM 
-(inaccessible otherwise) and requesting it to forward (''​-L <local 
-addr:​port>:<​remote addr:​port>''​) its HTTP server port (''​localhost:​8080''​) back 
-to your physical machine (same port, for convenience)! 
-**Note:** replace the ''<​fep key path>'',​ ''<​first.lastname>''​ and ''​X.Y''​ placeholders with the 
-actual path to your SSH key / username / VM IP address!\\ 
-You can use the same trick to forward any port from a OpenStack VM to your 
-local host! 
-For this lab, **you are required to take a screenshot proving each task's 
-completeness** (usually, of the exploited webpage). 
-For the SQL injection tasks, it would be nice if you saved a list of successful 
-inputs in a .txt file. For the XSS / CSRF injection tasks, please include the 
-HTML / JavaScript code you used into the archive. 
-Please upload the screenshots / readme to [[https://​curs.upb.ro/​mod/​assign/​view.php?​id=280251|This Moodle Assignment]]. 
 ===== Tasks ===== ===== Tasks =====
Line 202: Line 166:
 <​script>​alert("​XSS!"​);</​script>​ <​script>​alert("​XSS!"​);</​script>​
 </​code>​ </​code>​
-  * **Hint**: You can use absolute element positioning,​ e.g.: ''<​div style="​position:​ absolute; top: -300px;​left:​100px;">​ insert your img here </​div>''​. Try it with the browser'​s developer console / inspect element first before injecting it inside a message ;) +  * **Hint**: You can use absolute element positioning,​ e.g.: ''<​div style=%%"%%position: absolute; top: -300px;​left:​100px;​%%"%%> insert your img here </​div>''​. Try it with the browser'​s developer console / inspect element first before injecting it inside a message ;) \\ [[https://​www.w3schools.com/​css/​css_positioning.asp]] 
-  * Hint: Console can be accessed either by right-clicking and choosing Inspect or by hitting F12 on your keyboard and navigating to '​Console'​ tab. \\ Try appending code to the document'​s body.+  * Hint: Console can be accessed either by right-clicking and choosing Inspect or by hitting F12 on your keyboard and navigating to '​Console'​ tab.  
 +  * Note: Try appending code to the document'​s body.
 <​solution -hidden> <​solution -hidden>
isc/labs/09.1702220217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/12/10 16:56 by alexandru.ghita2611
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