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isc:labs:08 [2023/12/04 12:20]
isc:labs:08 [2024/04/22 13:55] (current)
florin.stancu [[30p] 2. Iptables]
Line 200: Line 200:
 === [10p] Task D: DNS blocking === === [10p] Task D: DNS blocking ===
-  * Block access to Facebook by using iptables to block all DNS queries containing "​facebook.com"​.+  * Block access to Facebook by using iptables to block all [[https://​routley.io/​posts/​hand-writing-dns-messages#​question|DNS queries]] containing "​facebook.com"​.
   * **Hint**: The ''​string''​ iptables module can do packet contents matching (''​sudo iptables -m string -help''​). But what does a DNS query look like?   * **Hint**: The ''​string''​ iptables module can do packet contents matching (''​sudo iptables -m string -help''​). But what does a DNS query look like?
   * **Note**: you can supply a hex string parameter with the syntax ''​|HH HH HH ...|<​plaintext>''​ (e.g., ''​hello|20 57 6F|rld''​) to match binary contents of a packet! Also choose a string matching algorithm!   * **Note**: you can supply a hex string parameter with the syntax ''​|HH HH HH ...|<​plaintext>''​ (e.g., ''​hello|20 57 6F|rld''​) to match binary contents of a packet! Also choose a string matching algorithm!
isc/labs/08.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/04/22 13:55 by florin.stancu
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